Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I was NOT a total slacker yesterday. Especially when my house and backyard are in post birthday party chaos! Nope, I would definitely have cleaned it up following the party!
I am NOT totally obsessed with getting Sawyer involved in infant swimming resource classes. I do not think I will cry through every class but know in my heart it's a great program. I am not looking into getting certified myself so other families in my area won't have to drive 100 miles each way, 5 days a week for a month. If you don't want to know more don't watch the video below :) AP parents beware...it really isn't easy to watch.
This clip is longer and more informative if you are interested for your child.
I did not dream about feeling my baby move last night....what the heck is with this lazy fetus not moving around yet??
I did not release a super cute frog hat pattern. It is not being modeled by my daughter and therefore a little snug since I made it to fit my son :) I do not need to get this to Ciara Hammonds Photography for good pics ASAP!!! I am also not running a sweet promo to break in the new pattern on my facebook fanpage! If you like a deal don't go check it out!
Now, what haven't you been up to???
As usual, I know that my friend Scotti wouldn't do any of these things. :) Also, I'm hosting a giveaway....
I really want to put Riley in swim classes. The Red Cross of Tyler offers FREE swim classes for all ages.
I want to look into swim lessons for my girls... so far, they have been learning on their own. they do well but I would feel better after some lessons! fun post!
Pregnacy causes crazy dreams. --
The baby will be movin around soon :) Mine kicks up a storm sometimes and other times it's like what you doin in there cause theres no movement --
Yesterday was a lazy day around here too! I need to put my boy in swim lessons...but he's is so afraid of water so I' don't know yet...
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