Who doesn’t love getting mail…not ads and bills, but real mail!
?!?! My Grammi sent me the best present I have received in a long time!!
She emailed asking if I wanted her old camera….ummm hello?!?!
I love old cameras and would love an even older one!
I have no idea how to use this camera but lucky me she still had the manual!
Can you believe it!?!
After all the years she has had this camera she still has the additional lens, flash, and manual!
Even the totally rad bag and camera strap!
I am excited! Karly helped show it off for picture taking purposes :) My child is definitely not camera shy!
Thanks Grammi!

karly is getting so big and so beautiful! i miss my little baby.. she is all grown up :( and sweet camera! i also dig the bag... hello new purse!!
Love it! That is awesome. And Karly is so cute and sweet!
Sweet camera! Good job on the gift Grammi!
Look at Kar's jeans.... how cute!
Oh, how cool! I took a class in college with my dad's old camera. It was really cool. Actually, if you can afford it and if you have the time I would definitely take a class. There's some stuff you need to figure out which is a little complicated. Plus in a class you could even develop your own pictures! That's pretty fun!
How fun. I love old cameras, my dad just gave me his, except no instructions so I can't figure out how to put film in it. :(
I LOVE camera's so much! I am a bit of an amature photographer. =P Anywho, off topic, but I just wanted to say, your welcome for the inspiration. My advice to you...realazation is key. GL! =D
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