So I am a little behind on reading blogs these days. I seriously went a month, yes a MONTH without reading them! HELLO!?!? That has to be a record for me! I truly missed it and felt like I didn’t know what was going on with my ‘friends’...yes, as I type that I realize just how lame it sounds. A few days ago Little Miss Momma posted a few things you should know if you were going to be her the idea!
SOOOO if any of you are as equally lame as me and feel like you really are friends with fellow blog people here are a few things you should know about me if we are going to be bff’s!
I never wanted kids. ever. Then I got pregnant when I was 16...oops. Now I have three kids and would love one or two more even though my husband swears we are done. I still feel defined by teen pregnancy.
I hate all foods in the legume family. The texture makes me want to hurl.
I also hate most white foods; cream cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese and mayo. So maybe I should just say I hate foods made from rotten milk? Is cream cheese rotten milk? No, I don’t think so, guess that won’t work! In all honesty I have never tasted cottage cheese, cream cheese or sour cream (not mixed in something) and have no intentions of tasting them.
Before moving to Texas I worked at a rehab center during the week and was a bartender Friday and Saturday night. Hello oxymoron.
I love mexican food and could eat it every single day. mostly salsa really but I’ll take it all.
I always wanted to work for myself but never knew how or what to do. One year ago I took a leap of faith and it paid off. I worry every day with be my last successful day. I hope this fear goes away some day. I still find myself insecure telling people what I do, like they’ll laugh at me or won’t believe me.
I have serious social anxieties. If you know me you would probably never guess it....BUT, I am extremely uncomfortable in new situations...almost crippling at times.
I have only been seriously hungover twice in the last 3 years (since moving to TX). I used to be hungover twice a week. I don’t miss the hangovers but sometimes I do miss the old me. I think she is buried in here somewhere still.
I want a boob job and tummy tuck super bad but wonder if I had the money if I’d have the guts to actually go through with it.
I watch an unhealthy amount of television. I can’t seem to kick the habit.
I wish I could be a more natural and peaceful person and parent. I get frazzled and yell more than I’d like to admit. I want to be a better mom and wife. This is one of my things to work on this year.
I feed my kids shit food far more than I’ll ever admit.
In fact this is Sawyer's pic...ha ha just kidding
I have a horrible mouth. I talk like a sailor and blame it on marrying one...even though my mouth was always bad. --another thing I am working on this year.
I am a terrible housewife. I hate, no DESPISE cleaning. My house is always a mess and my laundry is always behind. My idea of cleaning is starting a load of laundry that may or may not get dried, folded and put away and doing the dishes. I can sort of cook but I don’t really like to do it.
I am terrible with money. My husband pays our bills or we probably wouldn’t have water and electricity on a regular basis. It’s not that we/I don’t have the money. I just procrastinate forever.
I am a terrible procrastinator. In fact as I type this I should be doing about a million other things. I think if it were a disease or disorder I’d be the perfect person to use as an example.
Someday I want to go back to school.
My biggest hang up: I hate school
Second hang up: I have NO clue what I want to be when I grow up.
I have lost contact with most of my friends. I am not sure why or how I allowed this to happen. I feel so sad about it, yet I don’t make the effort to be a friend. I think it started with being busy with life and letting a few weeks go by, then it was months and now it’s been a year. Once it’s been so long it’s hard to know where to start to get back on track.
I have felt the huge urge to move lately. I am not sure why, I am just ‘over’ Tyler and craving a change. This has always been a cycle for me. Before, when I was single I could and would pack up and leave. I blame my mom for this. When I was a kid and something would happen at school or with a friend I would come home and tell her we needed to move.
My sister Erica is my best friend. I love my sister Kate just as much but I sometimes wonder if she knows and feels this. I wish she and I were closer and hope someday we will be. We love each other but we don’t have the spill your guts relationship. I am not sure she has it with anyone but I hope she does.
I don’t like things on odd numbers...volume, birthdays, etc... If I change the volume I need it to be a 14, 16, makes me crazy that my kids birthdays don’t flow well. I try to make all numbers either flow, add, subtract, etc... my house address is 3456 and I love it. Karly’s birthday is 11-10-98 (11, 10, 9, 8). The boys bdays have evens and odds and even worse don’t add up properly. I love to do this with license plates mostly. I hate math. Weird I know.
I have always thought I was and claimed to be an animal person. I do love animals but after having to take care of them (as opposed to my mom doing the work) I now realize I am not an animal all.
I love red wine.
I love my kids more than life. Too often I sit and worry horrible things will happen to them and start to cry. I have serious fears that something is wrong or tragedy is just waiting to strike them. This meltdown typically happens to me in the car.
I feel like 2011 has great things in store for me. I feel a little lost and neglected (my own doing) and it is time for me to work on some things to improve myself.
Now that you know a few things about me...can we be bff’s?
Feel free to head over to Little Miss Momma's blog and link up your own bff post or check out others!