Sunday, April 26, 2009
33 weeks down...7 more to go!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
CA trip installment 3...the last one!
I will admit that we got a little lost finding the Country Club, but we made it! The Easter bunny was there to greet Jake. It was so cute! Karly has never been a fan of creepy costumes so she kept her distance! The food and company were great! We all chatted, and ate and ate some more!
More visiting...most of Brian's family left and Karly and Jake couldn't wait to try out the pool! Jake even went down the slide! Shortly after mom, Kate and Jake had to hit the road :( Very sad. Karly and I weren't flying home until the next day so we hit up the nearby outlets and bought Sawyer a ton of cute outfits...gotta love the Carters outlet! We had a nice home cooked meal with Brian's parents before heading back to LA.
I can't say enough thank you's to everyone!!!!
CA trip installment # 2c
Brian (and Erica) all spiffy.
(sorry Erica wasn't paying attention...innocent victim in the background)
My little diva always ready to model for the camera. Jake looked so handsome in his tie!!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
CA trip installment # 2b
They had this huge popsicle that I am assuming was for an ad of some sort since there was a photographer taking pictures of it. It was pretty cool looking!
Random balloon making man working for tips; he probably makes more money than any of us. He called everyone "my friend"...
Overly Nice Man: "and what can I make for you my friend?"
Karly: "a monkey"
Overly Nice Man: "and what color monkey would you like?"
Karly: "brown"
Overly Nice Man: "I'm sorry my friend but I don't have about orange?"
Karly: "sure"
Overly Nice Man: "here you are my orange monkey"
Ok so he was actually super nice to the kids and actually pretty good. Jake got a puppy.
Really unsure why sometimes blogger flips pictures...drives me crazy!
Off to the beach we walk! One stop for a quick picture with Arizona Avenue in the background...HELLO TOURISTS! Where is my fanny pack!?!
Almost there...yes, we are still walking! You think I can put one of these fabulous little beach condos on my baby registry? Christmas list maybe? Seriously there were some really cute ones!
and we finally made it!!! By the time we got there we literally had about 15 minutes to play. Then Brian and Erica in their smart thinking realized how much faster they are and offered to walk all the way back to the cars so the kids could play longer. They came and picked us up MUCH MUCH closer. I know Karly and Jake appreciated it almost as much as I did ;) It gave the kids a lot more time to enjoy the beach!
I can just hear Karly...this is it Jake...this is the ocean! It was Jake's first time and Karly is a certified beach bum at this point. She truly could stay there all day every day!
Karly follows suit and ditches her pants too. How did we raise such little nudists?!?!
Jake had some ummm...issues, using the bathroom away from home...that is until we got to the beach. Notice the girls tanning in the background? Thank goodness they were all laughing and Erica was off to get the car because she probably would have died from embarrassment! Poor Jake really had to go!
and what happens after you poo on the beach? your mom wipes your sandy butt with no regard for the sandpaper effect...doesn't look like that feels too nice!
A few more random pictures to leave you with!
Not sure why I forget that I can't turn my camera sideways when recording :)
Jake running from the water
and one more!
See you next post with Erica's know...the reason we actually went to California!
CA trip installment #2
This is some art museum that is right next to Erica's apt...hence the large strange metal "art"
We started our day by heading off to Starbucks for some morning coffee. Yes my mommy wore that...look at Jake, looking like a barista pro already!
Is my nephew not the cutest kid ever!?!
Nini stealing some Jake Monster loves!
We all finally made it to the 3rd St. Promenade area and did some touristy wondering around...more on that in the next post...if I can be super productive it may even be up today!! If not, tomorrow I promise :)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
CA trip installment #1
K & E
Jake & Karly dancing
Come back tomorrow for Day #2a: Saturday (the first half) a little bit of tourism and the beach (TONS of pics and video clips!)
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hello from...
Hello and Happy Good Friday....from Los Angeles, California!!!
This is the SURPRISE post!!! I love the power of post dating blogs so they magically appear when I want them to!!! I also love surprising people though I truly despise being surprised! I hate it!! Weird right?!?! Your surprised though aren't you?!?!
If you haven't followed my blog for long, or if you have forgotten go back and read THIS POST...go ahead...ok, a great surprise right!!! Well....we turned the tables on Erica! Karly and I flew out today to surprise her with a visit! Erica knew my mom was coming in to town, but had no idea anyone else would be there! (actually as I am writing this I am on facebook with her and it's only Thursday...ha ha)!!
This took a few weeks of planning and enormous self control not to spill the beans! I tell Erica EVERYTHING!!!! So to not share my excitement with her was truly torture! I didn't tell anyone!!! A few people did find out, but I was so scared if the words came from my mouth even once they would slip again!
The double surprise is while she knew my mom was coming we hit her with the second part...Katie and Jake drove out with my mom as well! My poor sister Erica may have a heart attack! First Karly and I show up at her work!!! Then later we meet up with my mom and again! I seriously am so excited!
I am typing this Thursday with the assumption that everything will play out just as planned! I am hoping and fairly confident that all of the pieces will fall right into place!
Did I mention why we are going to visit? I guess not...Erica is getting baptised Catholic. She has been going to classes for what feels like forever! She has put a lot into this and we are all very proud of her. She is truly the most amazing sister and truly a great woman! I adore her completely.
My thanks ahead of time to Erica's boyfriend Brian for scheming with me for weeks, picking us up from the airport and plotting the attack :) Thanks to Brian's family for welcoming Erica into their family and for all the help coordinating this trip! Oh yes, and the place to stay!
Happy Easter Weekend!!! I will be back early next week with lots of pictures and stories for you all!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Happy Thursday!
Karly’s class had an Easter party today so we had to get some clever treats together! Of course she tells me at 5:30 yesterday. Thank goodness I have a lot of down time at work and stumbled across the cute idea of smooshing (yes, that’s a word) rice krispie treats into plastic eggs…quick, easy and cute! Yes we, ok Karly, washed and dried the eggs thoroughly before using. Please forgive my messy kitchen and dishes in the sink! I never claimed I was perfect!
My darling hubby is off to AZ tonight!!! He has a busy weekend ahead with TC’s wedding and all that weddings entail. I know he is so excited to go home for a visit! I must admit I am a little jealous! I have some very homesick moments! Hopefully this summer after Sawyer makes his debut! I forgot how hard it is to see him leave me even if it's only for a few days! The majority of the first 6-9 months we were together we were actually I am used to him! The trip will be great for him!
I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend!!!
If you check in on me often I have another surprise post for you!!! Check back tomorrow night!! It is oh so fabulous! Until then I leave you in suspense! See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Mail Call!
Thanks Grammi!