Monday, November 29, 2010
Baby O is here!

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Black Friday!!!
Let the crazy shopping begin! What?!?! You don't want to stand in the freezing cold waiting hours for the doors to open, only to fight the crowds all night? Ummm yeah, me either! In fact when you read this I hope I am cuddled in bed! I did Black Friday once, well not even…I drove to Toys R Us, stood in line for an hour, almost froze to death and went home. I have ventured out later in the day and still found some good deals. I guess if I had tons of money to spend on some big ticket items I MAYBE would give it another try but until then…I'll hang out here with you.
So for those of you (like me) that prefer to stay home today, cuddled up on the couch watching a movie and eating those delicious leftovers let's get started on a few handmade gifts. Did you know that you can make just about any of my patterns for just a few dollars? Even better you'll likely have enough yarn to make a few which brings the cost of each item down even more. What kids don't want a fun animal hat? Photography friends or expecting moms?? Inner Hooker has some great patterns for photo props for those precious newborn photo shoots.
{sidenote: I can't wait to get baby Dex's newborn pictures back! I know they are going to be A-DOR-ABLE!}
{sidenote: I can't wait to get baby Dex's newborn pictures back! I know they are going to be A-DOR-ABLE!}
Here's the skinny!
I will be offering a limited number of deals today so head over and snatch them up quickly! A few things you might find over there
Buy 1 Get 1 FREE!!!
4 patterns for $10
I will also offer a few deals, freebies, and other fun things on my Facebook fan page throughout the day so be sure to head over and 'like' Inner Hooker there!
I hope you all find some great deals and have tons of fun today! and for you brave souls heading out….GOOD LUCK, let me know how it goes!
Friday, November 12, 2010
39 weeks!
39 weeks with Baby O!
(S)he is almost here! This pregnancy has flown...ok... until the last few weeks it has flown by! The last few weeks have been rough but they have still gone by quickly. I went to the doctor yesterday and was still a 2. I am really, really hoping this baby decides to come out this weekend! I went and had a massage today...amazing. Thinking a pedicure may be on my agenda tomorrow! I am still scheduled for the induction but am really leaning towards just waiting. Chris and I sort of totally don't see eye to eye on this. I'd love for it to just start on it's own before then so I don't even have to worry about it! I am so excited to see what it is!! The doctor guessed the weight between 7.5-8 pounds already so looks like another chunkster! Heartrate was 135. Oh and I should add we still don't have definite names! This poor baby will be named brother or sister if we don't start agreeing on some things...you know, like a name ;)
Here is what (s)he is up to!
At 39 weeks pregnant, your baby is fully formed and ready to be delivered, however some babies may want to stay in the womb for one or two additional weeks. (After 42 weeks pregnant, your baby is considered “post-term” and your doctor will induce labor, or perform a c-section, to get your baby out.)
Since your baby is fully mature at pregnancy week 39, he or she has reached his or her birth weight and length. Your baby may weigh anywhere between 7 and 7.5 pounds, though some babies may weigh more and others less. Your little one is likely to be between 19 and 21 inches long at this point in your pregnancy week by week.
Your baby’s eyes are fully developed by pregnancy week 39, but the neural networks continue to mature. As a result, your baby’s vision will be fuzzy in the first few weeks after birth.
Were you a hairy baby when you were born? If so, there’s a possibility that your baby will be born with a full head of hair! But you never know, your baby might only have a few wispy strands, or no hair at all, at 39 weeks pregnant and when he or she is born.
Since your baby is situated low in your pelvis during pregnancy week 39, you probably have relief from any upper abdominal discomfort. However, in its place, you may feel lots of pressure on your bladder . . . that means, lots of restroom breaks!
Still feeling those kicks? All of your baby’s movements at 39 weeks pregnant are helping build his or her muscle strength, as well as helping with coordination.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Fall Photo Contest Winners Announced!
Fall Photo Contest Winners Announced!
Sorry for the delay on this! There were so many amazing pictures I really can't even say how impressed I am with the quality of your pictures, how many people entered and how many people voted!
Many, many thanks to you all!
Since we had quite a few more entries than I anticipated I am going to award a prize to the top 5 winners!
Originally the prize was a $20 yarn certificate to ilashdesigns for the first prize and the first 3 winning my newest pattern.
Well, I wish I could gift everyone yarn but since I can't that stays to the top prize, I would also like to add a $10 certificate to the second winner and instead of it being limited to my newest pattern all 5 winners can pick their choice of an Inner Hooker pattern. I started thinking and a newborn size pattern doesn't really work for everyone ;)
Our winner with 95 votes!
#8 Jack (age 3). He loved helping rake the leaves this fall.
Though our piles never seemed to last long, lol
Second place with 81 votes!
#45 Mommies little owl!
Third Place with 68 votes!
#62 Jaxon
Fourth Place with 63 votes!
#37 My twin boys, Ezrah and Aeson as Thing 1 & Thing 2.
Needless to say, they fit the part very well!
and Fifth Place with 55 votes!
#2 Big Brother, Cooper, 5, as the tin man, posing with his 2-year-old twin brothers Hunter, Lion, and Tucker, Scarecrow, on Halloween.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you once again!
If you won...please email me at innerhooker@hotmail.com and we'll arrange your prizes!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Don't forget to vote!
The Fall Photo Contest is almost over!!! If you haven't already head over and 'like' your favorite photo now! You have until 11:59p tonight! to vote!
Whatever picture has the most 'likes' wins $20 to ilashdesigns to pick their favorite item! They also win a copy of my new pattern!
The 2 runners up will also win the pattern.
If you haven't checked out ilashdesigns head over and do so now! Nyana is always adding new stuff and it gets snatched up pretty quickly! Follow her on facebook and stay up to date with her new items! You can also follow her blog here! She also just started up a website!!! Congrats Nyana!
Just a few things that caught my eye this morning :)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Advent A Long
How about a Wanna Make it Wednesday on a Saturday??? I really wanted to wait and post this on Wednesday so I am not bombarding you, BUT I love this and it's sort of an Advent a long so just in case you didn't see it already I thought I should post it now so you if you want to join along you won't be too far behind!
Check out this beauty!
The little ornaments go into the countdown pockets and each day someone would get to hang a new ornament. I am in love with it!
Like I said, it's sort of a craft a long to make an Advent calendar. I love these things and have always wanted one but hate how the majority of them are gift driven whether it be candy, small presents or trinkets. I love that this one has nothing to do with getting anything. Homemade by Jill is hosting the craft along based off of this calendar from Inchmark's site on her blog. Each Wednesday she will post that week's 'assignment' to keep everyone on task!
To see more of Inchmark's calendar click the links below.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Vagina Monologues
Baby O 38 weeks big!
Hey, your little one isn't so little anymore, weighing close to seven pounds and measuring 20 inches long. Fetal development is nearly complete as your baby tends to a few last-minute details like shedding the skin-protecting vernix and lanugo. He's also producing more surfactant, a substance that prevents the air sacs in his lungs from sticking to one another once he starts to breathe. Most of the changes this week are small but important: He’s continuing to add fat (so he can take advantage of all those photo ops by sporting a round, cute baby look!) and fine-tuning his brain and nervous system (so he can deal with all the stimulation that awaits him once he makes his entrance into the world).
Personal run down
I went to the doctor yesterday and was still only dilated to a 2!! I have to admit that even though I know it doesn't mean anything I was a little disappointed. I have had so many contractions that I really thought I'd at least be a little further than last week! Rationally, I know that it can go from 0 to full blown labor or sit at 4 for a month but I guess I just got my hopes up! I do feel a little guilty that I am sort of rushing this baby out. I also know that while it's inside it is MUCH easier to take care of. The way (s)he is sitting is just miserable! I have the worst fire burning nerve pinching sensation that I am really looking forward to being over. Soooo here is my dilemma.... I really, really have always wanted to go into labor on my own. I have been induced with both of my kids thus far. I was going to be induced a week before my due date this time but the date it falls on doesn't work so they can only do it 2 days before my due date. The drive for a week early is that Sawyer was 8.7 lbs with a 14.5" head. A week probably doesn't save me much in size, but the hope is that it saves a little :) I don't think I need to remind you what kind of damage Sawyer did. So here I am, scheduled to be induced 2 days before my due date or tough it out and hope it happens not too far after my due date. I sort of feel like the fact that they couldn't do it when I wanted is maybe sign that I should just let it happen.
Thoughts?? Opinions??
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wanna Make It Wednesday on Thursday...
Man I am doing so good with my Wanna Make It’s lately! What is this, like at least 4 weeks in a row?! Granted a few have been bumped to Thursday BUT I am still totally counting them!
Woo Hoo me…ok done patting myself on the back!
Woo Hoo me…ok done patting myself on the back!
Ready for this week??
Quiet Books. I love these books every time I see them! They are so cute and I love to think they would be one on those handmade gifts that will be saved forever and ever and in 2040 my kids will say “mom these are so cool and old fashion” ha ha! Seriously though…they might! These definitely aren’t the ONLY quiet books out there, but they are super cute and have me newly motivated to make one…or two if I really get motivated. There are bits and pieces of each one that I love! Now to just get busy with my own!
I love this button name page by Homemade by Jill. She has a ton of free patterns for pages on her blog along with tips and tricks she learned along the way! HERE is the link to the post of her finished book.
I shouldn't be surprised, but was when I saw how many people had posted their quiet books from childhood 30 years ago! See...I told you, vintage toys ;) Sew Can Do shares pictures of her childhood quiet book along with what she is making for her kids too. I love that her mom added the year to the book. I will definitely have to do that too!
I love the idea of having a few puzzles! Crafty Chic shares her puzzle pages. I haven't seen this idea on any other ones and LOVE it! The puzzles are each kept in the pockets on the left and worked on the felt square on the right! She also shares a handful of other pages as well.
Sugar Bee Craft Edition shares her experience with leading a Quiet Book Group! Group ladies, each making 2 page sets XX times and swapping. I kind of like that idea! Though, I'd probably be controlling and want my kids to have one that just I made :) because I am a total psycho like that! Either way, her post is great, she is a confessed project quitter and finished this! She also gives a really good rundown of the specifics. Here are a few of my favorite pages of hers I also love her tic tac toe page, counting bead page and a pretty much all of them BUT I didn't want to steal every picture from her post :)
These adorable barn pages are from her groups project but the template is on the Homemade by Jill blog
the little finger puppets inside the barn! Ummm... love it!
and last but not least the Craft Pouch had a few super cute pages that I may have to 'borrow'.
I think this one is my most favorite and know Sawyer would love it! He has a thing for cars and more specifically the wheels themselves.
I also love the faces
Ready to start but would like a little more instructions on the specifics of building your book? Head over to Modest Maven. She shares a printable instruction sheet with the sizes and steps that she used for her craft group. It would definitely be a big help if you want to take some of the guess work out or get together with a group of friends.
Desperate to make one but aren't feeling creative enough to think of the page themes? Maybe you are too busy or just don't want to make one? Check out these stores! They offer patterns for tons of different themes and even some finish made quiet books.
Like I said, there are a ton of ideas, patterns, tutorials out there; these are just a few of my favorites! I am seriously so looking forward to starting this project that it has kept me moving on my craft room redo!
Good Luck!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
My little cellist
Karly’s school requires all 6th graders to have art or instrument class. Karly of course in true Karly fashion picked the one that would cost me money…and of course then the most expensive instrument. That’s my little cellist! In all seriousness, it is really a beautiful instrument and I hope she sticks with it beyond 6th grade.
Last Monday she had her first school performance for her orchestra class. I will admit I was expecting to have ringing ears when I left, but overall they were really pretty good! I played the violin in 2nd grade and I was AWFUL!!!! These kids were good! They have only been playing for about 6 weeks and only have class for about 45 minutes a day. Here are a few video clips of it! Sorry for the blurry wobbly video taking I wasn’t very comfortable and Sawyer decided he would be a wild man.
In this video you'll notice the boys smacking the strings...yeah she was supposed to do that too, but why doesn't she??? When I asked, her answer "it looks ugly, cellos are pretty and that makes them look ugly"
Nice Kar. That's my child.
Nice Kar. That's my child.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Fall Photo Contest!
Hello everyone! I hope you are all having fun with the baby shower giveaway so far! I have a few more weeks lined up and can’t wait to keep sharing the good stuff!
We are taking this week off from baby theme stuff and doing a fun contest driven towards all of us!!
Fall Photo Fan Contest!
This contest will be held on my Inner Hooker facebook, not here on the blog so if you aren't following over there yet be sure to hurry over!
If you haven’t participated in one of my photo contests before it’s a ton of fun! I love seeing all your cute submissions and watching the votes climb!
Pictures MUST be Halloween costumes, pumpkin patches, autumn leaf piles, etc… It can’t just be a random picture that you took in October. Sorry, but I am ready for some Fall goodness...when I see your pic I want to feel it! It can be a picture of your kids, yourself, yourself when you were a kid, pet dressed up, pumpkin patches, hay rides, etc… as long as it is very fall-ish!
Please email your submission picture to innerhooker@yahoo.com along with the verbiage you’d like me to include as the title; Only 1 submission per person.
I will start to post pictures and open voting Wednesday morning.
Pictures will be accepted until 11:59p on Wednesday November 3.
Contest will run until 11:59p Tuesday November 9.
This contest votes will be made by simply clicking ‘like’ on the picture you want to vote for. Picture with the most ‘likes’ wins! Comments will not be counted as a vote.
Now for the prizes! This week is sponsored by MUAH! Ok, well me when I am wearing my Hooker hat anyways! Right now I am totally OBSESSED with this handspun merino yarn! I love, love, love its thick and thin fluffy puff goodness! I have purchased from a handful of Etsy sellers and have yet to be disappointed in any of the yarn that I have received! Gorgeous product, super fast shipping, and even better the nicest sellers that are totally willing to work with you on colors and what you need! I always scope out their sold items as well because 9 out of 10 times it sells faster than I see it but they can usually make more and it doesn’t take all that long. The few day process is totally worth waiting to get what I want!
I have a few favorite sellers, but this week I am going to focus on Nyana from Ilashdesigns. Nyana seriously is amazingly nice and really educated me at the beginning of my hand-spun journey. In fact, I sort of want to hop on a plane to Montana and learn to spin with her! She not only has thick and thin bulky, but plenty of other sizes, ply, colors, etc… Don’t forget to check her sold items too for more ideas on what may pop up soon or that you may be able to request! Don’t crochet or knit?? She also has a few finish made items for sale in her shop!
Like these adorable hats!
Head over and check her stuff out! She also has a facebook page and is really good about posting her new listings there. Be sure to ‘like’ her page so that you can snag up her new stuff before someone else does!
Just a few of my favorites!
She even offers a 'bundle discount'!!
This was my stash from her :)
Don't you wish you could reach out and touch it!?!?
First prize will be a $20 gift certificate to ilashdesigns and a PDF of my newest pattern inspired by this fabulous yarn
Second and Third Prize will get a copy of the pattern.
What pattern you might be asking....well...you'll just have to wait a little longer...like probably tomorrow...I am not THAT mean :)
and because I love you all here are a few sneak peaks of the pictures for it!
Thank you to Ciara Hammonds Photography for the great photos!
If you are in Texas head over and give her some love...oh and schedule a shoot!
Now, I do realize you wont be getting any extra entries for visiting ilashdesigns shop, or for ‘liking’ her on fb, but I really would appreciate you letting her know you ‘liked’ her and that this ‘ol Hooker sent you! She also has a blog.
Maybe if we have a great turn out will do another one…hint, hint, hint...
Now, email me your pictures!!!
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