Friday, February 27, 2009
With that said, this weekend’s plan; Saturday Chris works…my day is fairly full of “to-do’s” already so the no TV should be pretty simple! Stormi and I are shopping for her baby shower stuff and hopefully finalizing the last few things for that, I am hoping to pick up a desk I found on Craigslist to redo. Found THIS great inspiration!!! I also have a few other craft projects that I am hoping to tackle this weekend. Sunday we will all be home so hopefully we can find something to do all together!
Hope your weekend is great!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Cookies & Chores

Chris worked Sunday which is typically chore and get ready for the week day. I will say doing laundry all week has made a world of difference. I used to hate Sundays and now they are actually enjoyable again! My dryer was taking forever to dry so I thought it must be time to clean the lint out of the outside thingy. Ours has a screen so no little mice can climb through and chew through the lint filter and set up camp in our house...yes this did happen. ANYWAYS...I go outside and there are dead plants in the way of the lint filter and I have been thinking I need to cut everything back anyways so I get the shears and get gangster on the back yard. I of course drag Karly into helping and the dogs were more than grateful to spend a few hours in the sun playing with the chopped down sticks! It took me about 2 hours, but everything is chopped back and the sticks were even drug off! Not too shabby! I made a little oops and cut the line that is the electric fence...ok, so a big oops. Good thing my dear husband is handy and fixed it right up! Other than being super sore that night and the next day all was a success!
Penny is so proud of her big stick! She pranced around forever with it!
Old Buddy boy...not sure why this picture is hell bent on rotating!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Tax Rant
Well, my title is pretty self explanatory. I will start by saying that I do know it could be worse…we could have gotten less of a return than we did and we could have ended up owing money…but I still need to vent because honestly neither of those seem fair either!
It drives me absolutely crazy the way
I am not saying I deserve more than the next guy, or that people on welfare don't deserve anything surely shouldn't get more back than you paid in! I wouldn't expect more back than what I paid but neither should someone else just because they fall in a lower tax bracket! To me this says be a lazy ass, milk the system and will give you a few grand more than you even paid out of your checks all year! The lady filing our taxes told us earlier that week she did someone who paid LESS than 100 dollars all year and they got over $4000 back! How does this work and how is it fair?!?! I mean reallly you are already getting a hand out all year long from Uncle Sam and now you are getting my hard earned money too? I would rather pay it all in and nobody get money back. It's a slap in the face really.
I know there are plenty more people that pay plenty more than we do but GGGRRRR!!!!!
Edited: 02/24/09 8am
Let me clarify before I get a million emails about welfare and the need. I am NOT saying there is no need for welfare or that living on it is kosher and wonderful. What I am trying to say is that no one, poorest of the poor, middle class, or wealthiest of the wealthy should get more back on a tax return than they put in! IT ISN'T NOR HAS IT EVER BEEN THEIR MONEY!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Random Wednesday

I won!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday Shopping
Valentine's Day

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Our Tooth Fairy is a flake!

MOM!!! The tooth fairy never came! Well, I think she came but I think my dog ate her! I felt Penny jump up fast, spin around, and laid back down. I really think she ate the tooth fairy!
I reassure Karly that the tooth fairy encounters many, many dogs and I am 100% sure that Penny didn't eat the tooth fairy. She is quite disturbed not fully believing me but goes about her day. Chris tells Karly maybe the tooth fairy is feeling the bad economy and going through a rough spot...gotta love my husband.
Last night the tooth was placed ever so sweetly on the kitchen table in hopes of the fairy avoiding her impending doom in Penny's jaws...and she came! She didn't leave the $120 though!
and the typical Karly posing picture just for good measure!

Monday, February 9, 2009
Sewing Project #2

I also had a second project this weekend that turned out OH SO FABULOUS! I want to make a few more before the unveiling! Pictures and blog to come later this week!

Friday, February 6, 2009
Hypnosis for Childbirth?
I have been doing a lot of thinking, and a lot of research and have found something that I think is pretty great! Something that I am now willing to share with you.
For some unknown reason, the second that pregnancy test proved positive I was terrified. Not terrified of having a second child, second mouth to feed, more responsibility, but terrified to give birth. When I think back to Karly's delivery I feel like it was awful. Truly looking at it and picking it apart it really wasn't AWFUL. I had your "typical" hospital delivery. I was induced, had pitocin, epidural, episiotomy, and vacuum assistance. My life nor Karly's was ever in danger and clearly we both survived it just fine. I feel I was induced too early, and it seemed like one medication was given after the other to stop the side effects from the first one. I guess I can't say my experience was awful, what I can say is that it wasn't for me. I do not want another one like it. "Normal" or not...I guess I am abnormal.
When I mentioned my previous delivery to my current doctor he was like, "and?...sounds pretty normal to me." Are you kidding? How and why should that be considered normal? What did women do before they had all of these wonderful, yet problem causing interventions? I just about begged him to promise he would just do a c-section. I didn't want to deal with labor ever, ever again. He wouldn't agree and looking back that is a good thing. I now find myself 22 weeks pregnant and a completely different person in this arena. I no longer would be the person begging to not have to do anything to get my baby here...I am now quite the opposite. If I could at this point I would switch to a midwife and have my baby in a birth center. The more research and reading I do the more confident I feel. As women, our bodies were truly designed to be able to do this! It's the decades of fear and the traumatic stories that have ruined it for us. I have immersed myself in anything and everything I can find that supports and encourages a natural and positive birth experience.
It all started with Hypnobabies. Self hypnosis for childbirth?!? I can honestly say I not only believe in this program, but find it life changing. It is a six week home study course on self hypnosis and childbirth. You literally retrain your mind to view pregnancy, labor, and birth as a wonderful and amazing experience. They have a completely different vocabulary to erase the negative, we don't call it pain, we call it pressure. They aren't contractions, they are pressure waves. This program has an online support group where people share their stories, questions, and concerns; the two women that essentially started and run the program are on throughout the day to answer questions and provide support. I have never heard such positive women. No one complains about their discomforts and how they can't wait until it is over. They immerse themselves in every moment with their growing baby and appreciate their changing bodies. How wonderful if all pregnant people were this way! What a great gift to pass on to our daughters!
Truly when you think of it, what did women do for the decades and decades before pregnancy was treated as an illness? They had their babies at home with a midwife, or local woman acting as such. Most countries other than America still birth at home, or in birth centers attended by midwifes and doulas. Yet America, has some of the highest rates of maternal and infant mortality rates in the world; not to mention by far the highest c-section rates.
Animals birth in much the same way as women used to. They find somewhere that they are comfortable and safe. If an animal is threatened or scared, labor will literally stop. Sounds like a lot of women that get to the hospital and progress stops?!?! If cows and horses can do it, so can we.
Do I think I can do this? Why not? If I keep my mind in control and let my body progress as it should I have nothing to fear. Will I accomplish a drug free birth? Who knows? I hope so, but am realistic to the fact that I may change my mind in the moment. My plan is to try to labor at home as long as possible. I am more comfortable in my own home than strapped to a hospital bed and a dozen machines. I will plan, prepare, and practice as much as I can and I will let it go. The one thing I do know is that I am no longer terrified. I actually have found so much peace.
If you want to learn more about this click on any of the links/words below and it will link you to some great websites that will hopefully help you to realize why I think this is such a great program.
Hypnobabies Blog (lots of great birth stories and links)
Enjoy Birth
Empowering birth stories
Pregnancy, Birth and Babies
Also, check out this movie; whether you like Ricki Lake or not this movie is a must see especially for anyone pregnant! The statistics they show are really eye opening. Ricki Lake shows a few couples having amazing home births and actually even shares her own! Naked and laboring.., kudos to her!
The Business of Being Born
Well, if you are still reading...thanks! If you have any questions or want to know anything further please, please feel free to ask...even if you think I am a hippie. Please do not share your traumatizing birth stories with me though...Positive Polly over here :)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
That green side should be able to be stuffed down into the flower side to create the lining...kind of hard when you sew it together :) I also decided I don't like that little wristlet strap. Next time no strap.
(sorry for the lame quality BB pics!)

(not sure why it's rotating the pic...tried a millon different things and it really wants to be sideways I guess!)

Next project...after I make something for my little princess at her request of course...a cute one for Sawyer's diapers! Oh yes, and I just got stuff to attempt baby shoes as well!! Super cute!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
MVD and Layette choices?
So, I should be working…but I am not. I had to run to Motor Vehicle today for new tags…yuck and then stopped to say hi to my dear hubby and grabbed some lunch. First, I would like to rub in how much cheaper registration is here! I just paid $53.80 for a year! In AZ, mine was just shy of 400 bucks a year!!! Just a little different huh??!?
Anyways, I am for sure registering at Babies R Us, its huge and fun so why not! I have been looking online there and other places for bedding. Any of these jump out at you? Feel free to send me a link to any favorites you have seen somewhere! We are going with brown and blue theme thus far.
Mad About Plaid
Giggles - totally not blue, but thought it was cute :)
There are a few cute shops here I am going to check out too...let my know if you have found something me up!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Rolled Tacos and Waffles?!?!
With Karly I ate so well and really didn’t crave anything weird…mexican food, which is typical for me pregnant or not. I loved ketchup and strawberry ice cream when I was pregnant with her, neither of which I ever cared for. I haven’t touched strawberry ice cream since having her…yuck! Ketchup…I still LOVE!
Nope, now I am gestating Colonel Sanders himself…or maybe Little Debbie?!?! Ican't believe I am not fat as a house already! Here is a picture from this weekend. Sorry it kind of sucks, hard to take a self portrait. I need to get Kar or Chris to snap a few!
21 weeks...disregard my dirty mirror...Sunday is bathroom cleaning day and unfortunately this was taken Saturday :)