I have been totally obsessed with grannies lately! No, not real grannies though I do love old people. Granny squares, it seems they are everywhere I look! Maybe they are popular again? Maybe I notice them because I am obsessed with them? Either way I have been attempting to convince myself to start and can’t seem to take the leap…sort of like starting a diet. I decided to see if anyone else would be interested in joining along. Each week or 2 weeks (we can vote on how often) we will have an assignment or goal then we will check in with each other and post pictures and all that good stuff. You know…hold each other accountable and actually finish this project!
Since we will be doing it together I thought we’d take a vote and see what everyone liked best. Of course we can’t please every one so if you’d prefer another of course that is fine, you will just need to adjust your goals accordingly. All of the options below are free patterns. I don’t want anyone to not participate because of cost. I am also hoping to use up stash yarn but we’ll see!
Option 1
Sunburst Granny
Sunburst Pattern
These pictures are examples. You can click the picture to be taken to the source.
Option 2
Hexagon Granny
Hexagon Pattern
These pictures are examples. You can click the picture to be taken to the source.
#3 Summer Garden Granny
Summer Garden Pattern
Pattern can be found here.
All pictures were found here.
Of course I am in love with a million more but I think these 3 are great choices!
If you'd like to join in on the crochet along please head over to fb to vote for your favorite.
Inner Hooker on Facebook
Please feel free to leave your vote here as well or any opinions, feedback, etc...

Hi! I'm interested to join Crochet Along...but just can't find your fb? thanks
Oh sounds great! I have already started a granny blanket can I still participate???
I'm in! I don't see anywhere on FB to vote yet so I'm voting for the hexagon pattern :)
I'm in! I love #3! I also think checking in every week would be better for me cuz I might loose focus or forget if it was every 2 weeks LOL
Just above Scotti it says Inner Hooker on Facebook, that should take you where you want to go. I will do my best to participate, although I am in the middle of a mobius shawl wrap.
I love #1! I also think weekly check ins would be better.
I'm in!!
I vote number #3... number 1 as second choice... hope I can keep up with my own shop while doing this, I love granny squares and wanted to do a blanket for a long time...
I love this idea! And it's so hard to choose one....but I really do love #1, though 2 and 3 are right behind XD
I LOVE #3, the Summer Granny. And it's the basic granny square, so what better way to start!
I love the sunburst one with white as the background and the different colored insides. I think it's the 2nd and 3rd picture :)
I'd love to do one of these just need some notice so I can save up for yarn to do it :D
I'd loove to participate! :)
Thanks for sharing this and wanting to include everyone! :D
Have a great rest of your day Scotti!
~Mippy :)
I've been wanting to make the one where the entire blanket is one big Granny Square. I'm in!
Okay, so........ I absolutely ADORE 2 and 3..... okay and 1!!!! I wanna join!!! <3 I'm leaning more towards 3.... but they're all soooooo darling!! <3
These are all terrific choices. I don't think I'll be joining in - can't bring myself to do so many color changes and so much joining and weaving in ends ... but look forward to seeing everyone's work on it for sure!!
I'm voting hexagon blanket. I'm in live with hexagons. Plus, it's join as you go!!! Yay!!!!
I Like option 1 and 2.. I can decided which one I like better.
I love to participate and I choose Sunburst... Manage to go to the FB.. many thanks to Valorie. I choose Friday as the week's goal.
Definitely want to do this and love 1 and 2!
Numbers 1 and 2 are my favorite! I'm in!
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