Monday, March 30, 2009
Weekend Creations
Friday, March 27, 2009
Baby Silas is here
Welcome to the world baby Silas!! Stormi and James welcomed their new baby boy into the world Wednesday March 25 at 11:43 pm after a long day of waiting! We are all so happy he is here and everyone is doing great!!! He weighed in at 6lbs 7oz and is 18.5in long. Chris and I went to meet him yesterday. I forgot just how tiny they are!!! I can tell you my uterus was aching to hold my little man!
Even Chris got brave and held him. He looked so tiny against Chris.
Congrats to the Littlejohn family!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Weekend Recap
And what week would be complete without a self taken bathroom belly picture update?!?!
28 weeks...12 more to go!
PS: while we were all happy to have this lovely weather my sister Erica, her bf and his family jetted off to Tahoe for a weekend of skiing...they sent me these pics. Don't you love technology and how it keeps us all in touch in an instant?!?! Thanks E & B for sending you both!

Desk Unveiling!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Happy First Day of Spring!
Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Giveaway...not here so head on over
I also wanted to encourage you to check out the new blog...I have a grand opening giveaway that ends Friday night!!! You know you love a free prize!!! Who doesn't?!?!
Doctor Appointment Update
Sawyer was very active. I am still measuring a little big, but have since the beginning so now worries. His heart rate was 149 and was flipping back and forth while the doctor was trying to measure my belly and find his heart beat. Already being a handful!
That's my baby update!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Love this post
This was the quote that inspired this person’s post…I love it…go read it.
"you can dare to take that unspoken dream seriously"
It has always been a dream to be able to stay home and still financially contribute to my family using my creativity. I am a realist and know that there are few people that can actually turn crafting into a business, but hey...a girl can dream and fight to get there right?!?!
After too long of saying I am going to, scheming to, planning to, wanting to, overcoming self doubt and fears, and procrastinating, I finally pulled my stuff together! I officially opened an Etsy store! For those of you that aren't familiar with is a website where people can open a "store" for their handmade items. It's a great little community.
If you are looking for something for the little love of your life or a great baby shower gift, check out my store! If you need something specific let me know and we can work on it!
I am inspired by boutique products, just not by the prices! Honestly that is how this journey truly started to take place. I was out window shopping for Sawyer stuff in a local (adorable but EXTREMELY overpriced) boutique... all of the sudden my light bulb came on...
Please share with your friends and family! I am a firm believer in word of mouth! If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to leave a comment here. You can also shoot me an email at
I have also set up a blog specifically for SMOX CREATIONS. I will post new items along with other great things I find online! Follow me!
Baby Shoes

Burp cloths

Now go check out my store and blog!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sunday Night check in
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday Fun Day
We all know I love Fridays!! Free time is so close I can taste it! I have a few things I am hoping to sew this weekend. I am releasing some BIG NEWS this weekend as well, (check back later this weekend for that post!) along with hosting a baby shower (pics of course to follow) and taking care of every day life somewhere in all of that ;) Oh yes, and I desperately need to make a pineapple upside down cake that I have been craving for about 2 weeks...thanks Nic for getting me going on that one!
I am always (obviously) adding something new to my craft wanna do list. I went to Canton a few weekends ago and saw a fabulous wall canvas that I ADORED!!! I simply didn’t adore the $100 price tag on it! I NEED TO MAKE ONE!!! I wish I had a picture of it to show you, but I promise if…I should say WHEN I make it I will post pictures. I was super tempted to buy the stuff to make it last night but one must practice some financial self control…or one must start making more money to supplement ones craft fund.
Go off my dear friends and CREATE something beautiful! It feels good…I promise!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Lovin Creativity
A few posts back I posted an idea for a desk I as going to do. I found a desk for $30 on Craigslist…got it and I don’t love it. I mean it will work but wasn’t what I had in mind. NOOOWWW, this morning I ran across THIS ONE (click on those words :) )! Randomly enough the lady across the street from me that had a yard sale last weekend had a free (my favorite price) desk that I think will fit this project perfectly! Are we in love?!?! Ummm yes! Now what to do with the desk I actually paid money for...or the husband who is probably ready to strangle me with all these "great ideas" I am coming up with :)
Also stumbled across this and thought it was too cute and festive to not pass along. Click here.
Hard days work

After her hard day of work we headed out for a haircut. Her hair was WAY too long (as is mine)! We are both meant to have short hair. We unfortunately are both scared of new hair people so we go far too long in between these days. Karly wanted hers cut that second and I couldn't get her in with a hair lady so she had to brave Supercuts...she survived! Her cut isn't anything that I asked for, but I guess when you have zero patience and pick a shop on the side of the road you get the $10 cut you pay for :) She still is beautiful...just not as trendy as she wanted!

Monday, March 9, 2009
Spring has Sprung!
For those of you not living in Texas...or actually for everyone that doesn't live in Arizona time change happened this weekend. Growing up in a state that doesn't ever change times I find time change the weirdest and most annoying thing ever! "Spring Forward" (move clocks up an hour) doesn't bother me as much as "Fall Back" (move clocks back an hour)...fall back makes it pitch black at 530 which is just depressing! Chris wasn't so thrilled at losing his hour of sleep this morning especially since he had to work. is starting to look like Spring around here. Now that I have lived here for a full year I think I can say that Spring is my favorite season! I love everything turning green again and starting to bloom! Now it just needs to warm up enough to swim and kayak in the lake! Snapped a few pics of the peach tree in the backyard and thought I would share. I adore how this tree just explodes with little pink blossoms overnight....the bees also enjoy it!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Weekend Recap
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
25 weeks and 5 days
Soooo, some of you know that last summer I hit my all time fattiest weight ever! I knew I had gained fairly steadily over the previous few years but when I went to the doctor's office and stood on the scale I literally broke down in tears. How did I let myself get so fat?!?! Sadly the year or so leading up to that point I had felt fat, frumpy and insecure but never really did much about it. I talked and planned about it a lot though! After that doctors appointment I found some inner drive and motivation to actually take control from July to September I lost about 15 pounds....I just ate right and started exercising, nothing extreme but slowly my body was coming around. Even better than watching that scale go down was how much better I physically and emotionally felt.
I got on the scale this am and BAM I was exactly that horrific weight I was last June. I knew it was inevitable considering it was only 15 pounds and I knew I would gain more than that. It still sucked. I will admit I have put zero effort into eating healthy and exercising. I just can't seem to remember that even though the scale won't go down it's still the healthy and responsible thing to do for myself and Sawyer. I now remember what it felt like to weigh this much (not pregnant) and how gross and icky I felt. I truly don't feel too badly now probably because I am pregnant. I never, ever want to be this weight again though.
As of today I am back to making healthier choices.
Healthy weight gain and exercise will only make for an easier pregnancy and delivery!
Not to mention hopefully bouncing back a little easier!
Progress not perfection right?!?
and what pregnancy post would be complete without my quality photo skill filled self pics :)
could I carry a little higher?!?! seriously I have a baby growing in my ribs.

view from the top, no more feet :(

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Tutu much fun :)