Friday we all were pretty tired and moving pretty slow from getting in so late. We picked Karly up from her last day of school and Erica got to check out her classroom and desk. We ran a few errands and showed Erica the big town of Tyler. Meanwhile Bri was back at the house doing a phone interview...poor guy! Picked him up and made the journey into Lindale for lunch, did some grocery shopping and took a nap! Chris got back from fire school that night so we had some wine and played Taboo! Friday was fairly uneventful!

Saturday we got up and got the house and food ready for the BBQ. Neely (cousin's daughter) came over to help make cupcakes. The plastic pools that started out for the puppies were soon taken over by Karly and Neely! Luckily they all share!
That evening some friends and family came over and Erica & Brian got the full feelin the love Texas effect!
Good food and good fun for all!

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