Karly is officially out of school and officially brilliant! She was the only 3rd grade student that scored a perfect 100 on English TAKS test (state exams) and she also received a 92 on the Math

TAKS. When we first moved here she was in math tutorials (tutoring) for a few weeks because she was struggling for some reason. Her teacher was amazing and offered to stay an extra 30 minutes late on Thursdays so Karly could stay for the tutoring (Chris and I didn’t get out of work in time to be able to pick her up when it let out). Kudos to great teachers everywhere! When you get one that goes above and beyond and truly cares for your child it really can make all the difference! Karly also won several awards for PE, one for being in the 8-mile club,

a 1st place ribbon for 3rd grade 50 meter dash, 3rd place for the 75 meter dash and various other ribbons and awards. She was a little upset they forgot to give her the participation ribbon :) If I could only get this child to like sports!
Now she just has a few weeks of free time before she is off to Arizona for the summer!

Thank goodness the dogs are the brother and sister she doesn't have! They
love pool time and are obviously quite patient with her, even when playing dress up! Don't all dogs wear bikinis and skirts?!?!