Here's a picture of Karly telling the baby how much she loves her, encouraging her to be a girl, and giving her some Christmas kisses!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
4 months pregnant!
Here's a picture of Karly telling the baby how much she loves her, encouraging her to be a girl, and giving her some Christmas kisses!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
This Christmas
I had so many pictures I thought putting them in a slideshow may help (and take up less space)...enjoy!
Christmas Morning at our house
Christmas at the Bandel's & the Craig's
Friday, December 26, 2008
Holiday Photo Shoot
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Firework Fun!!
A little clip of Karly and Danielle being fairies as they like to say.
Sucky Fingers

No more "sucky fingers" for Miss Karly! At 10 years old she has finally given up the habit! Ok, so she was encouraged/bribed. Chris made a bet with her that she couldn't go 2 weeks without sucking. If she did she got to pick something to buy....she decided she wanted press on nails. I don’t think she realized they are 5 bucks and she could buy them herself. Either way my poor baby was like a little crack head desperate for those fingers! “but Momma you don’t understand! They taste so good and make me all warm and cozy!” Of course I told her to go ahead and suck but she refused to lose this bet! She is as stubborn as Chris! Every day she would tell me the countdown to 2 weeks. I actually felt a little bad for her, her entire world revolved around counting these days down and trying not to accidentally suck. Well, she made it! She got her fake nails that lasted all of 1 day! She isn’t allowed to wear them to school so she waited until the weekend to put them on…by the next night she had ripped them all off. Shockingly she didn’t go back to sucking much! She still will from time to time in her sleep, but has done really well with it! My baby isn’t a sucky finger baby anymore!
Monday, December 22, 2008
As Promised
That's my little baby on top!

Sunday, December 21, 2008
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…which just so happens to be my favorite time of year! I love the weather, the sounds and the smells and even the hustle and bustle of all the crazy holiday shoppers! I must say this year is far different than any other, yet the same as every year….just less wine! I did my shopping as usual but instead of doing it last minute with my sister, I went early with Karly. Not quite the same since she doesn’t enjoy a relaxing cocktail while breaking for lunch but an enjoyable day with the one I love just the same. I am very sad that I won’t be going home to see my family. Thinking about it truly brings me to tears, so I will move along. I must say that while I will miss my family tremendously I am very lucky to have married into such a loving and welcoming family. This year definitely has brought much change to my life. Here’s to new traditions and my first holidays in my new home!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I also figured out the tricks and attempting to stay still with my butt and legs asleep :) Hopefully next time less wiggling from me :) Still pics to follow soon!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Baby Update
Christmas Jars
A few weeks ago, before Thanksgiving, I was feeling a little sorry for myself. I miss my family and friends and was really bummed that I won’t be able to see them this year for the holidays. Add the fact that Chris worked Thanksgiving and is scheduled to work Christmas Eve and Christmas day and you have the perfect ingredients for a pity party!
Karly was at dance and I had been talking to our cousin Tammy about some holiday ideas and was actually feeling a little better. Went in to kill some time in Barnes and Noble which as many of you know is quite easy! I grabbed a few Christmas spirit type books to check out hoping one would help ground me. There is never anywhere to sit so I head to the children's section where the table is typically open. I get settled with my books and Chai latte and start in on this new pick. It is very Jesus-y....a little too much for me. Either way, I keep reading and get about 2 chapters in and the author references one of his other books...The Purpose Driven Life, which is super religious. Not that it’s a bad thing, just not my thing. So I am still giving it a chance...I am almost to the next chapter and not super sold on it but realizing it is short enough I can just read it there for free and buy something else. Yes I can be a big Jew! A few minutes later this odd looking lady who works there walks up to me. She is very frumpy and a little awkward and I am really not wanting to chat it up. Here is our conversation:
Emp: How do you like the book?
Me:'s ok, don't know if it's really my thing (remember, I live in the Bible belt. One of the first questions people ask you is what church you are a member to...seriously)
Emp: Yeah it was a little too religious for me...
Me: (sigh in relief) too!
Emp: Will you take a recommendation for the best holiday book ever?
Me: of course
Emp: I worked at a B&N in California and this woman insisted and pushed me to buy this book. I wasn't too sure about it but then I read it. It was great. It reminds us no matter how bad we think we have it someone has it worse. People tell me I am so sorry you have cancer. I remind them that the man receiving radiation before me is so ill he has to be wheeled in and has an 'X' drawn on his head where is tumors are. I walk in jamming out to my iPod and walk myself back out. I am blessed. This book reminds us of the Christmas spirit...not of the overzealous greed.
Needless to say at this point, I am crying. Big huge alligator tears rolling down my cheeks! She is even tearing up at this point. She goes on to tell me how when she bought the book it was her first Christmas away from her family and the book reminded her of the good in the world and how lucky and blessed she really is. This person was exactly what I needed though in the moment I didn’t even know it.
Of course I started the book there and bought it. It's an easy read, but I love the message. I read it in less than two sittings and didn’t want it to end. I even have Chris and Karly convinced to let me read it to them. Check it out...probably not for everyone, but I loved it and would love to start the same tradition.
Mistletoe & Magic

Friday, November 14, 2008
10 weeks down...30 to go!!!
Well, I have survived the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. I am 25% of the way there! It still seems so weird that I am really pregnant. We are really having a baby! I am assuming when I start to show and feel the baby it will feel more real to me. I think I am almost over the sick and exhausted phase. I can’t wait to feel better…I am just sick of feeling tired and blah. I hope as things progress I find this more enjoyable. With Karly I was so young and in a less than desirable situation so when I wasn’t ignoring the situation I didn’t feel anything really. I always thought the next time would be perfect. All warm and fuzzy and great feeling…I wanted to be one of those people who swear they love being pregnant and have never felt better or more beautiful. I am so not one of those people. I am tired and feel like crap. I have only gained a pound or 2 but I swear my pants are already fitting a little snugger. Don’t even get me started on the bathroom issues and prepubescent skin! Cross your fingers that the second trimester is warm, fuzzy and beautiful!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Golden Year

This year is Karly’s Golden Year. For those of you that don’t know what it is, it’s the year you turn the age of your birthdate. November 10 is Karly’s birthday and she turns 10.
It’s supposed to be your best year for luck along with a number of other beliefs.Seeing as it was her Golden Year we decided to go with the “GOLD” theme…plates, silverware, balloons, tablecloths…we even wore gold pleather pants! Karly wanted a party at the roller skating rink which I thought was so bizarre since she has never skated. She figured it out about halfway through and now can’t wait to go back and skate again! All in all the party turned out great! Thank you to all our family and friends that made it. It wouldn’t have been the same without you.
Karly's BIG Surprise!

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Coming June '09
White part is baby, dark part is uterus


Yes, that's my beautiful precious sweet little girl...dressed as a dead ballerina :)
Halloween was a bust this year. I couldn't believe how many houses were dark. The first neighborhood we did had maybe 1/3 of the houses up. Second had 3 houses! It was weird! Luckily we had went to a friends church early that week, so Karly should have gotten her fill of Halloween!

Monday, November 3, 2008

As long as I can remember I have always carved a least one! Growing up I remember me and my sisters doing them and digging all the guts out and such. My princess Karly hates the scooping process. This year I told her either she was doing it or we weren't doing it at all. Not being able to give up the tradition for myself I got a pumpkin...only one! Karly actually did a little better with helping. She would prefer to just draw the face if given the option. We scooped, she drew and Chris traditional pumpkin coming up!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saying Hello!
Hope everyone is doing well! I went to the doctor's office for my financial appointment today...this having a baby the legitimate way sure is pricey! They set you up on a payment plan so that everything is paid, except for the hospital by the time you are 7 months…I guess you just stay pregnant forever if you don’t pay! I really liked my nurse which is always a plus. My first real appointment is next Thursday and I am pretty excited…heartbeat and ultrasound, always something to look forward too!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Rose Parade

Tried to hyperlink the links below and it's just not working. You will have to copy and paste it into your browser.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Pumpkin Patch

Karly's Girl Scouts trip had an outing to the pumpkin patch...not that we actually did anything with the group. It was not very well organized, so we pretty much did it with our friends instead. Chris had to usual and missed the fun. They had some very cool different kinds of pumpkins, hay rides, play areas, feed the catfish ponds of of course some face painting! All in all...a fun fall day!