Happy June! I hope everyone is doing well! It should be summer by now for just about everyone! Warm weather, bored children, ahh...the joys of summer! I wish I had a good excuse for slacking on here lately...I guess all I can say is life is busy and I am exhausted? Does that work? :) Well, today is the day I will catch up...must do so before Sawyer gets here...TOMORROW! Yes, I said tomorrow....more to come on that!
So, I had a lovely slide show put together for the baby shower blog with about 50 of the 200 pictures, but I couldn't get it to appear no matter how many times I tried! Sooo, needless to say you are stuck with just a few still ones (see blog below). I wish you all could have been here!
The weekend after the shower we had another set of visitors...can you feel the love?!?! An old family friend, and dear friend to me JC and his lady came out for a short visit. They brought a crib and only could stay for one night! I tried to tell them the crib wasn't worth the journey but the visit sure was. It was really nice to see them! We went to dinner that night and just hung out at the house. The next day Chris worked and the 4 of us headed to State Park. Sheri wanted some pictures and I figured a quick walk might help me progress some. Yes she got a lot of pictures...no my cervix didn't change :) My huge pregnant ass and JC's gimpy self managed to hobble around the entire lake...so it took us 2.5 hours and I could barely walk that night. It was great to catch up! JC is such a trooper! He broke his leg about 2 years ago and has had a very LONG road to recovery...he never complains even though I know his leg was probably on fire! It was gorgeous out and even started to sprinkle the last half hour or so!
Thanks again JC and Sheri for making the hike out here...it was great to see you!
Karly and Sheri...lagging behind knocked up and gimpy :)
looking down....Sawyer at state park...ahhh...how cute
Raspberries...I really wanted to eat one but was scared! You have seen Into the Wild right?!?! One wrong berry/nut and you are done!

Water moccasins....sick

Karly and JC