
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Night check in

Busy busy weekend as usual! Chris went to Louisiana to help a friend so it was just us girls. Friday night I laid down to take an hour nap at 6:30 and told Chris to wake me up in an hour...he did, and I said an hour more. We did this until 10:30 when he told me to get up and change into pj's. I got up, we had a bowl of cereal and headed back to bed. Sawyer was a wild man, probably from the Lucky Charm high :) Chris got to feel him a lot and really hard kicks...15 minutes later I was asleep...until 7:30 the next morning!!! 13 hours!!! Apparently I was pretty tired!
Saturday was Stormi's baby shower. This is the first event I have hosted and it really is a little more stressful than I realized! Overall it turned out really well! Ten more days and baby Silas should be on his way to meet us. Here are a few pics from the shower. I really sucked at getting pictures, my apologies!

NEW PIC: Photo of me 27 weeks, courtesy of Karly :)... Definitely pregnant looking! Enormous moat in the background courtesy of the dogs mole hunting. They may get murdered by Chris very soon.
I started my desk project today and am hoping to have it finished up by next weekend. The weekdays are a little tough to get much accomplished!
Stay tuned for my revealing blog set to post in the next hour! Hope everyone has a lovely week!


  1. YAY for a good weekend! YThe belly is still super cute!

    Poor puppies... he can't harm sweet penny! :)

  2. cute pic sissy! love the baby belly :)
