
Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Fun Day

Good Morning and Happy Friday the 13th!!! There are actually three Friday the 13th’s this year!?!? Yikes for all you superstitious people!

We all know I love Fridays!! Free time is so close I can taste it! I have a few things I am hoping to sew this weekend. I am releasing some BIG NEWS this weekend as well, (check back later this weekend for that post!) along with hosting a baby shower (pics of course to follow) and taking care of every day life somewhere in all of that ;) Oh yes, and I desperately need to make a pineapple upside down cake that I have been craving for about 2 weeks...thanks Nic for getting me going on that one!

I am always (obviously) adding something new to my craft wanna do list. I went to Canton a few weekends ago and saw a fabulous wall canvas that I ADORED!!! I simply didn’t adore the $100 price tag on it! I NEED TO MAKE ONE!!! I wish I had a picture of it to show you, but I promise if…I should say WHEN I make it I will post pictures. I was super tempted to buy the stuff to make it last night but one must practice some financial self control…or one must start making more money to supplement ones craft fund.

One of my favorite creative blogs to stalk is UCreate, she is always highlighting some fabulous plan. Today I get to work, have my morning coffee (mmmm) and escape to blog land only to find my next craft project (wink, wink…I know they are all my NEXT project! It’s just so hard to only have 2 hands). Go check this out…I love it! I am thinking a big huge family one for above my couch, friends and family ones for gifts….oooohhhh….Hobby Lobby here I come! Did I mention canvas was on sale when I was there yesterday?!?! I wonder if I worked there what the discount would be ;)

Go off my dear friends and CREATE something beautiful! It feels good…I promise!


  1. How can you say you have big news but then not say what it is? Grrr... You can't be pregnant so I'm guessing you are moving... :)

  2. I will be checking back Religously! I love that Vinyl, Canvas Wordle... Where do you get the Vinyl though???? Hobby Lobby? I think I am going to try that one :)
