
Monday, March 16, 2009


For as long as I can remember I have loved crafts and creating! I think I am the one child that inherited this from my momma! Many thanks to my mom for always supporting, encouraging, and funding my next hobby while growing up.

It has always been a dream to be able to stay home and still financially contribute to my family using my creativity. I am a realist and know that there are few people that can actually turn crafting into a business, but hey...a girl can dream and fight to get there right?!?!

After too long of saying I am going to, scheming to, planning to, wanting to, overcoming self doubt and fears, and procrastinating, I finally pulled my stuff together! I officially opened an Etsy store! For those of you that aren't familiar with is a website where people can open a "store" for their handmade items. It's a great little community.

It's quite skeletal now, but I promise to keep it growing so check often!

If you are looking for something for the little love of your life or a great baby shower gift, check out my store! If you need something specific let me know and we can work on it!

I am inspired by boutique products, just not by the prices! Honestly that is how this journey truly started to take place. I was out window shopping for Sawyer stuff in a local (adorable but EXTREMELY overpriced) boutique... all of the sudden my light bulb came on...

Please share with your friends and family! I am a firm believer in word of mouth! If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to leave a comment here. You can also shoot me an email at

I have also set up a blog specifically for SMOX CREATIONS. I will post new items along with other great things I find online! Follow me!

Hop on over and check it out.

Here are a few of my starting items...more to follow soon!

Boutique Travel Baby Wipe Cases

Baby Shoes

Burp cloths

My mind is swirling with other items and I am working on them as much as I can! If you have anything you would like to see let me know!

Now go check out my store and blog!


  1. I am SOOO super duper tremendoulsy proud of you. Your store is beautiful and a great beginning to hopefuly something you can do full time. I am very proudof you and admire you greatly for your courage to sell your items. Have faith, and you will do great!

  2. That is awesome Scotti! I will def order a wipes case from you when I have some extra flo :) I think you will do really well... Keep up the good work!

  3. good job scotti!!!! can you make grandma some shorts that dont expose the butt area!!!!(haha)
