
Monday, March 9, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

For those of you not living in Texas...or actually for everyone that doesn't live in Arizona time change happened this weekend. Growing up in a state that doesn't ever change times I find time change the weirdest and most annoying thing ever! "Spring Forward" (move clocks up an hour) doesn't bother me as much as "Fall Back" (move clocks back an hour)...fall back makes it pitch black at 530 which is just depressing! Chris wasn't so thrilled at losing his hour of sleep this morning especially since he had to work. is starting to look like Spring around here. Now that I have lived here for a full year I think I can say that Spring is my favorite season! I love everything turning green again and starting to bloom! Now it just needs to warm up enough to swim and kayak in the lake! Snapped a few pics of the peach tree in the backyard and thought I would share. I adore how this tree just explodes with little pink blossoms overnight....the bees also enjoy it!


  1. I remember when we planted the peach tree! I love it too, peach pie is the best, but the rotting fallen on the ground peaches are nasty!

  2. How Beautiful! But I would not be too fond of losing an hour of sleep... EVER!

  3. very very pretty! i love how california blossoms and turns green also! it will be here before we know it! i love the blossoms on that tree! too bad you have to deal with the rotten peaches come summer :)

  4. Do you think you can mail me peaches??? wonder if your alloed to do that or not?????

    PSS - had to type mucheed to post this comment for you :)


  5. The blossoms are beautiful. We have almond blossoms here in Oakdale, Ca. You will never get used to that stupid time change.
    Luv U...Grammi
