
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hard days work

I am not sure if I have shared with you all how nice my boss is...I mean, he has his moments for sure (who doesn’t), but overall he is great. Karly is on spring break this week and bored out of her mind. I asked him if she could spend the afternoon at work with me yesterday. His answer, give her a hood and send her out back to learn to weld. Obviously that didn’t happen, but she was quite helpful! She sorted, filed, copied, even scanned and emailed pdf files. Her conclusion; college is a definite for her. She has decided that my job isn’t very exciting. In between her working she took plenty of breaks to play her Nintendo DS (thanks Nini) and draw pictures….and then send them via blackberry to her aunt Erica. Lovely day of work.

After her hard day of work we headed out for a haircut. Her hair was WAY too long (as is mine)! We are both meant to have short hair. We unfortunately are both scared of new hair people so we go far too long in between these days. Karly wanted hers cut that second and I couldn't get her in with a hair lady so she had to brave Supercuts...she survived! Her cut isn't anything that I asked for, but I guess when you have zero patience and pick a shop on the side of the road you get the $10 cut you pay for :) She still is beautiful...just not as trendy as she wanted!


  1. I LIKE HER HAIR! You're lucky to have a super cool helper this week at work.

  2. very cute! so glad i could make you all laugh :D


  3. What color DS does the little darling have?

    Glad she had fun at work with you... ariel has high hopes that for her pring break I will take her to Sedona...

    Erica looks adorable in the pics Kar drew :)

  4. PS - you have an AWESOME boss!!!

  5. PSS - do you have to have that dumb phrase thingy that you have to type to post comments.... its extra annoying??

    i had to type doevoell last time and now i have to type unbre -- those aren't even words.
