
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weekend Recap

Why do the weekends fly by so quickly?!?! I swear I am off work Friday and before I know it I am making sure we have clean clothes to wear to work on Monday! I need a vacation!

Saturday Chris was off so we had a half day of errands planned in the afternoon. That morning Aunt Gay had invited me to a tile class. We essentially stamped tiles. I tried this a few months ago and made coasters. It's quite fun once you get an idea in your head! This is one that I made...cute right?!? Can't decide if I want to put it in a little plate holder thing or hang it with some ribbon.

Did I mention the lady that lives across the street was having a yard sale?!? I got a killer stash of fabric and all sorts of crafty odds and ends for 10 bucks! I ran across a very cute project for Karly the other day and went to Michaels to buy the wood beads for it, the line was forever long so I decided I would come back another time...well in my amazing find there were about 200 wood beads!!! It's like I was meant to have it :)
After class it was off to get Chris fitted for a tux for his friend TC's wedding next month and to REGISTER!! for everyone...or so one would think :) Aside from Chris and Karly bickering over who got to hold the gun thing it was good. The Babies R Us here is pretty small, between in store and online we managed to do some damage :) It was actually a little overwhelming to see just how much stuff babies need.
Saturday night and Sunday were filled with crafting! Pics to follow soon! Aside from a dead car battery...which in turn was something else as well (thank goodness for Chris & Uncle Danny) the weekend was pretty darn good!


  1. I'm sad I missed this yard sale sounds like everyone found something awesome!

  2. Your weekend sounds pretty good, and fun! can't wait for the crafty pics... and the tile - adorable!
