
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our baby boy

Well, everyone now knows that "it's" a boy!! For all these years my family has only produced girls...Kate and I proved the fates of generations wrong! Our uterus' will welcome a baby boy! I still can't imagine being a mom to a little boy...I mean, I have the girly girl thing down! I am very excited for this next, and I am sure more injury filled challenge. Skateboards, bugs, soccer, and dirt, I can't wait to do it all. Chris is of course beside himself with excitement. He is great with Karly and her overwhelming pink world, he takes her to dance and even took her to the Hannah Montana 3D movie; which Kar said was SOOOO embarrassing because he was the ONLY dad there...I will admit I was proud of him for toughing it out...without me even! Now he gets his turn to teach his son how to play sports, hunt, and I am sure cause me plenty of headaches!

I just to share some of the pictures from our ultrasound. It was so amazing to see him really in there. He had the hiccups and we caught him yawning. He also proved to be quite the little swimmer kicking around. The poor ultrasound tech was trying so hard to get his face and all he wanted to show was his proof of manhood...boys will be boys.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you to have a boy! My nephew is so fun -of course girls are awesome too but in such a different way!
