
Monday, January 19, 2009

Just a quick hello!

Happy MLK day to everyone! Unfortunately I am stuck at work today, so instead of working I will blog for a few! Not much new in our world!

Karly is fighting off a cold and busy as usual. It’s time to sell cookies for Girl Scouts which is always an adventure! Chris sold 70 boxes at work the other day…kudos Daddy. Speaking of…Chris just went for his annual fire school refresher; Karly and I lived like single ladies for a few days AKA messy! He is still working 6 days a week which is far from his favorite thing to do. He spent his day off this weekend installing a shock fence in the hopes of containing our dogs. As for me…I am 19 weeks pregnant and up 6 pounds (give or take a pound or two depending on how good I have been). I bought my first pair of maternity pants. They definitely aren’t the sexiest things, but man are they more comfortable! They actually don’t look bad thank goodness! I can still fit in my normal pants, but after lunch they are far less comfortable! Chris and I are both still sold on the name Sawyer, so unless something that blows us both away comes along, that is his name. He is quite the kicker these days! I can’t wait for Chris and Karly to be able to feel him! I am guessing in another week or two! I have a doctor’s appt next week so I will have more pictures of him.

I am getting back into my crafty hobbies and am having a great time trying new things! I am doing a monthly scrap booking class which should be good to get some layouts done, don’t have much desire to scrap lately though. I made Karly some bottle cap necklaces, I am still working out a few quirks, but I think they will be fabulous! Have a few other projects as well! Pictures to follow soon! Debating setting up a separate blog for my crafting things!?!? Wouldn’t it be great if people actually wanted to pay me for my creations?!! Umm…YES!!! My cousin Laura just got a sewing machine so I was browsing books for her and now I am obsessed! I want to learn so badly! Now just to convince Chris of my NEED of another hobby :)


  1. That's cool about all your crafts! I like doing that kind of stuff too -remember the knitting? :) As for sewing, my little sister just got into it and she's really good. She's made me a pencil case, a purse, and she's hemmed up and used her creativity to fix one of my shirts that had a hole in it. She also made curtains for my room. They are SO cool!

  2. So far my sewing machine has been a keeps getting tangled up, and I can't find anyone I know around here that knows anything about sewing...gonna be packing up and heading up soon I guess. More grannies around there I know! However I have a few ideas in the work for you and Mr Sawyer. Already got my material. Grr, if only I could get it to work! Anyhow, found the bedding you need in the JCP catalog this last week. SOO classy and your colors.
