
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

*My Baby Brother*

Well, obviously it's a boy!!! Karly has writing homework every Tuesday night, 20 minutes of free writing. This was what she wrote tonight...thought it would be fun to let her "tell" everyone what "it" is! I will post later with some pics!

*My Baby Brother*
by Karly Montgomery
Today something really exciting happend in my life . And you will never guess it . I mean you can try and guess. That is right if you did guess my mom is expecting a little baby boy . And I will be a big sister. My mom and my dad want to name my baby brother Sawyer but I don't like that name at all . And my mom said that the baby's nursery is going to be brown and blue . Hopefully I will be a good big sister . My mom is so excited that we went to go find out what the baby was . When we were in the waiting room for like 2 minutes my palms of my hands were so sweaty . I was so nervous on the drive to the doctor that my heart stated pounding (boom-boom-boom-boom) . When I saw my baby brother he looked like a "who" like off of the movie Dr. Suess's How The Grinch Stole Christmas . The only reson he looked like a who to me was because of his little round cute nose . And now you know all about my new baby brother .


  1. Congrats on finally finding out! I'm so excited for ya'll. I'm sure Karly will be the best big sis ever! I'm sending Laura the pictures from the "tea party" so she can forward them on to you.

  2. I can not freaking wait! Please let me do the shower!

  3. Oh My Gosh I have chills! I am so happy for you and now even more excited to find out. Congrats Girl, and I love the name Sawyer by the way ;)

  4. Karly- you will be a great big sister, you are so good with your baby dolls that you will catch on to the big sister thing quickly. Just remember- big sisters are a big responsibility- you have to be a good example. xoxo Aunt nic

    Scot- SO exciting, and thanks for sharing Kar's free writing, it is precious!

  5. Precious post.

    Congrats to you all from the Walter family. I really like the name you and Chris picked out!

  6. Yay Scotti! Congrats!!! I'm so excited! :)

  7. Thanks everyone!! We are all super excited!!

    Ali...I can't wait to hear what you are having!
