
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Seamstress Scotti...What?!?!?

Let me just start by saying I have the nicest husband in the world (most of the time)! I am happy to say I ordered a sewing machine yesterday!!! I did a little research and think I found a great little machine for me to learn and grow on! I have already started looking into so many ideas and patterns, I am so stoked! Yes, I am a nerd but that’s me! Well, here is a picture of her! Yes, she is a her! Now I just have to find the patience to wait and the motivation to finish the projects sitting on my table! I am terrible about finishing anything!
Little shout out to all the blogs I follow...I am happy to say that I had 4 new blogs to read today! Thanks guys! I love seeing what is going on in your worlds!


  1. Wohooo! We get to be sewing buddies! BTW, it. Want to spend all my $ there.

  2. yay for seamstress scotti!!! You will have a great time with it, and can make cool stuff - now you have no excuse for needing curtains and things like that :)

  3. Yay! How exciting! I wish I could sew. Well, I guess I probably could but I don't have enough of an interest in it. I just want the finished product! :)

  4. That is one thing I wish I could do is Sew. I have never learned and I hate that!! Good Job Mama :)
