
Saturday, December 27, 2008

This Christmas

Christmas was much different for us this year. It's our first Christmas in Texas away from our families. My grandparents have done Christmas Eve dinner at their house since probably before my birth! I really missed that tradition and gathering this year. I am thinking of starting a Christmas Eve dinner tradition next year so I won't have to miss it ever again! Christmas Eve we went to dinner with some friends and did our present swap with the kids. Christmas morning it was just us and Grandpa Oxford opening presents. I skipped breakfast since our first stop was lunch at 12:30 at Jason and Tammy's house. Lunch was great! We did a white elephant swap and did a little mingling...right when it was feeling like nap time we had to head to Danny and Gay's for their Christmas at 3:00. We had a great and family fun filled day! Thanks to everyone for making our first Christmas here special! We love you all! To our far away family & friends...we truly missed you. It just wasn't the same without you! Love to everyone!

I had so many pictures I thought putting them in a slideshow may help (and take up less space)...enjoy!

Christmas Morning at our house

Christmas at the Bandel's & the Craig's

1 comment:

  1. I miss you guys! Your Christmas looked really good, its just missing one thing ... me :)

    Kar looks like she was good enough that Santa spoiled her as usual!
