
Sunday, December 28, 2008

4 months pregnant!

Well, as of yesterday I am 16 weeks pregnant. As much as it feels that it is dragging on, at the same time it is flying by! I was going to wait to post my first pregnant pics until we found out what it was, but I snapped one of Karly chatting with "it" and decided it was too sweet to not pass on. I really didn't think I was showing, and my scale hasn't gone up much but my belly is definitely rounder and harder than it was even just a few weeks ago. I was hoping to hold out another month, but I am guessing the belly is here to stay for awhile! Now just have to hope my regular pants will hang in there with me for a few more weeks! Other than my impending fatty doom I am feeling much better. They shouldn't tell you at 12 weeks things are better...really its 14 or 15 before you are human again. Chris and I are getting a little closer to agreeing on names. Part of me really wants a girl because I have already done a girl and the stuff is just so much cuter! The other part thinks a boy would be a neat change. Plus, I don't know how much more pink I can handle! Karly and Chris battle with the belly...Chris: "make daddy proud and grow a weiner!" Karly: "please, pretty please be a girl" and we do this atleast once a day! Poor baby isn't even here and is already getting bossed around.

Here's a picture of Karly telling the baby how much she loves her, encouraging her to be a girl, and giving her some Christmas kisses!


  1. This is one of the sweetest pictures! I am with Karly though "please, pretty please be a gril... sorry chris.

    Hey, look on the bright side, maybe she will like purple or be a tomboy :)

  2. How Cute! Oh Gosh, you are tiny... my tummy is getting so big already and there is no stopping it. It is so close to time to find out, I bet you are getting anxious :)

  3. This made me chuckle because yes you feel better at the 14-week-ish mark. But then slowing you go downhill again around the 24-week mark I think it is because you start to be huge and uncomfortable. Guess that really wasn't nice encouragement for me to give, sorry. You are doing AWESOME with the weight though!!! I had already gained about 10 or 12 pounds at that point I think... and ended up at 52 on delivery day. In hindsight that was miserable. I plan on making #2 not gain so much. LOL I can't wait to find out what you are having!! Only a couple more weeks!
