
Friday, December 26, 2008

Holiday Photo Shoot

Right before Thanksgiving I finally was put in touch with a photographer that looked like she could take some pretty great pictures! I left her a message and had no return call :( I pretty much came to peace with the fact that no pictures would be going out to our loved ones in Christmas cards! This was a bit of a bummer as I typically give framed pics to my grandparents for Christmas! I decided to try to call one more time about 2 or 3 weeks before Christmas and managed to get an appointment! I was pretty stoked as I had an appointment and Chris's fat red nose was looking better (from his wreck). At 130 I get a phone call with this lady cancelling! WHAT THE HELL?!!?! Our appointment was only 4 hours later! Super flake! Luckily our cousin was in town and after a quick phone call she said she would try her best! Lucky for us, she did great! We got a few cute pictures so I thought I would share! Enjoy! Thanks again Laura!

1 comment:

  1. I love those pics! The one of you and Chris is super sweet..... I miss you guys to the moon and back!

