
Friday, March 16, 2012

Week 6 - Sunburst CAL

Hi and welcome back!  Glad to have you!  We had some pretty hefty goals when we started which I think was fairly overwhelming to a lot of people...myself included!!  We are going to slow the goals down a bit so we can hopefully stay on track.  Yesterday I posted what you should have completed so far.  If you missed that post you can find it here.  This week you'll want to complete 44 rounds in some way, shape or form :)  

If you are working complete grannies you'll want to make 6 grannies. 

If you are working a round at a time you'll want to 44 squares completed through round 5

I am going to be wrapping up my grannies from round 4 so my goal is get 14-15 grannies completed through round 7 (I am doing this because I am doing the same color for all of them)

updated:  I am only completing my grannies through round 6 because of the joining method I'll be using adding what is like an extra round.  You may want to start looking into joining methods if you haven't chosen one yet.  I'll post a few tutorials next week.

Let's get hooking!!!  

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