
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tell it all Tuesday

Tell it all Tuesday is making it's blog debut! TIAT was started many months ago on my Inner Hooker facebook page.  It instantly was a hit!  Lots of confessions, some silly, some serious.  It was very clear that we all needed to share something from time to time.  Even those that don't share say they read the confessions and find some solidarity, people that feel just like they do!  Once the "stalker feed" was released on facebook (the constant feed on the right that tells everyone, everything) some people were apprehensive to share for fear of their family and friends seeing.  I have loved TIAT and hope that it continues to have a decent following on facebook but I also want everyone to have a safe space to share.  Here it is!  I will post a blog weekly for sharing.  You can leave a comment here and no stalker feed to pick it up and tell!  You can sign in as yourself, or share anonymously.  You don't even have to have a blog.  

Just a friendly reminder:  PLAY NICE!  We are all doing the best we can in this life we should support each other instead of judging or bullying.  

Now, confess on!


  1. Yay for a way to post without the stalker feed telling on me! LOL

    I am super pissed with the wife of my husband's co- worker. She is constantly trying to one up me or just be nasty and rude saying things about my husband and children. I can get along with anyone but she brings out the crazy in me. I thought I had gotten rid of her a few years ago when the our two men stopped working together... and then things changed and they are back working together again so I get the joy of dealing with her crap once again.. Lucky me.

  2. I really love my boyfriend but being at home with our 2 and a half year old daughter 24/7 is getting to be too much for me. He goes to work every day and when he gets off I still do everything for her.. I have to say she needs a new diaper or she needs to be fed.. he won't just do it himself. I feel like I have two children to look after except one SHOULD know a lot better.

  3. I farted on Christmas day at my in laws house and blamed it on my 2 year old daughter. My husband spent the rest of the day asking her if she had to go poop.

  4. I found out today that I can financially stay home with our 17month old son for another few months. As much as my husband would love me to I am not going back to work until we have to. I know daycare would be good for his social interaction needs but I think me being home is better for him and me. I don’t want to work. I am going to school for my nursing degree along with running a etsy shop selling my crochet items making money that paid for his birthday outing the other day. I think I am doing a good job and should have to go to work.

    I had to lend my mom money today. I have it and I don’t mind but I still feel strange me the child lending my mom money. I’ll get it back at the end of the week and it’s only a few hundred dollars. I hope I teach my children better money management then she did. She wants me to go with her to sell the coins and jewelry her mother gave her. She is laid off and by herself. I feel so bad but I know that she is where she is today because of her own choices. It just sucks to see and not be able to really help.
