
Monday, December 5, 2011

Holiday Gift Exchange, my favorite purse, and a new pattern

A few months ago I saw this purse on Pinterest

 It was love at first sight. Truly I dreamt about this purse!  I could not get it out of my mind!  Of course it was one of those pins that link to the blog in general and not the post that the actual picture is in {why do people do that!?!?}.  I spent a few nights scouring the blog for this picture and finally found it BUT there no explanation of where it was from or anything!  I decided to email the blog owner....yes, I told you I was obsessed.  In fact at this point in the hunt I am pretty sure I had convinced myself that I actually NEEDED the purse to continue on with my life.  I emailed her begging and pleading her to share where she got it.  No luck.  She found the picture on google and had no clue where it came from :(  {thank you nice blog lady for at least emailing me back!}  

Sigh...being the crazy obsessed resourceful woman I am I knew what had to happen.  I had to make it myself!  Insert a few months of getting sidetracked, other projects and patterns pushing this one further down my to-make list.  

November came and with it Linda from Craftaholics Anonymous and her semi-annual gift exchange!  I signed up a little nervous but ready.  In true Scotti fashion I waited until the very last week to get serious.  I was totally at a loss for ideas.  I hadn't had much time to chat with my partner and didn't get a really good feel for her.  I knew a few things, we are both busy ladies, have 3 kids, she enjoyed photography, sewing, cooking, etc... and is in school.  So needless to say she dabbles in it all.  More thinking...more stressing....more wondering why I torture myself like this...AND THEN IT HIT ME.  My favorite purse would be perfect!  

A few late nights and I did it!!  I was so excited and really wanted to keep it for myself but I did wrap her up and send her new home in Washington!  I hope she is loved!  

Now to make one for myself!  I am holding out until I can buy some single ply handspun.  Wouldn't that be lovely?
Side note: do you think I could buy some fabulous shoes as a business expense to recreate the original picture? 

What is that you say??  You want to make one too???  Pattern can be purchased here! 

I am in love with making purses!  I can't wait to start my next one!


  1. So. So. Cute! I can understand the obsession! :) Great job re-creating it! It's lovely!

  2. WOW you found a pattern! Amazing, well done :) So sorry I couldn't have been more help :( I'm so glad you made your beautiful bag.

  3. Desire, lust, want, NEED, LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

  4. I found out who designed the original inspiration bag. Gerard Darel. It's called a Syracuese 24 Hour bag. Pricey little bugger, too! Apparently it's a celebrity obsession, as well.

    Love your new pattern!

  5. Wow this purse is gorgeous. I wish I had you as my gift partner! (I still haven't even received anything from mine...I'm hoping she's just late. I probably spent $45 on her gift with shipping). Oh well.

  6. That is one gorgeous bag! I am so unskilled at crochet and knit, it would have taken me a year and half to finish that! just wonderin if you'd thouht of making them to sell? I'd sure be interested in making a purcase!

  7. I can't wait to start making this purse. I am looking for the handles right now.
