
Friday, September 23, 2011

Week 4 & Week 5

How's everyone doing so far??  My apologies for not getting a goal up last week.  

I was dealing with this
Poor sick Dex

Poor sick baby :(  After a week he is finally back to normal...or close to it anyways.

So with a freebie week did you catch up?  did you slack?  I wish I could say I got all the way caught up but like I said I did a lot of baby holding!  I am close to caught up and after this week (another half assignment) I have high hopes I'll be caught up.

Here are my happy little stacks

I currently have:  
25 through round 2
41 through round 4
and 22 though round 4

We are going to pick up the second half of the last assignment.
Here are your recommendations for goals this week, pick whichever you want:

1) work 44 squares through round 4 

2) if you worked half of your squares through round 4 last week. Work 22 more.

If doing #1 or #2 you should have all 88 through round 4 at the end of this week

3) Work 6 full squares 

In addition, if you haven't been dealing with your tails now would be a good week to start weaving some in!

We will be back to a full assignment next week so try to catch up!

This is the second half assignment of last week. Remember these are just general ideas, if you are just cruising along doing your own thang keep on cruisin’!  Love, love, love the pictures you are sharing!
 If you are blogging your progress PLEASE link up below! 
Remember to also share your pictures on my facebook and our Flikr group.

and if you are blogging your progress please link up! 
 Be sure to link your actual post not the blog, this makes it easier to find


  1. I was wondering if everything was ok. I hope the poor little guy is doing better, and mommy too. Hate when they are sick but love the extra cuddle time.

  2. I'm done with all but 22 through Round 4!!! Sorry Dex was sick!! I hope he's feeling better. My boys had the crud too last week.
