
Saturday, September 24, 2011

East Texas Fair 2011

Outrageous prices, fried food, filthy rides, does it get any better than the fair?  As I get older I realize the fair is really only fun when you are tall enough to ride all the rides and not a parent.  As a parent it's moderately stressful and includes A LOT of standing around and wrestling a certain 2 year old that has no clue what standing in a line until it's his turn means.

A few shots from the night.

Dex & Daddy

Sam & Karly
baby Dex
who doesn't love the swings?

my hairy boy!  Love that little face!
So big

world's longest french fry
Sam's first kiss
Melman the giraffe.  So awesome to see but a little sad and depressing
Sawyer was in love!  "Jaff, Jaff, Jaff" is how he says it :)  He loved feeding Melman and even kissed her on the way out.

Kar has a strange obsession with brown cows

Pretty sure Dex came for the food!  Pizza, cheese fries and cheeseburger.  The boy can take down some food.

and what post would be complete without some iphone footage.  Am I the only person that is really bad about using their phone for a camera instead of the camera?  I did pretty good this time but some days I am so bad!

Sawyer & sister slide

Thanks for showing us a good time!
Until next year you dirty filthy fair!


  1. Aw, it looks fun. I haven't been to a fair in years! I was actually going to go to one a couple of weeks ago because it had a wool festival and I've never been to one but then I realized it was a two hour drive, instead of the hour I thought it would be, so the plan got nixed.

  2. I love the swings!! wish goldrush had them!! Sawyers hair is so adorable!!
