
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Things I Like Thursday

This week I have another Thing I Like that I don't really LIKE so to speak...this post will be a little link heavy to be sure you have access to all of the info!

Again...more sick babies. There is truly nothing worse than sick children. I am beyond thankful that my kids have been so healthy. Unfortunately not all children are so lucky.

{sidenote:  Remember the blog post about Karter's bow collection??  If you missed it, you can read more here.  I hope you have all made a few bow/hats for Karter's Bows of Faith! The first batch is being distributed today I think! Karter had open heart surgery just 11 weeks old!  No updates yet.  You can get more updates from their blog or their facebook! Spread the word!}

Now...back to the subject at hand.

Tutu Drive 2010
Samster Mommy Tutu Drive

Natasha over at Samster of my favorite blogs (seriously that b&w pic of her and that skinny little baby melts my heart every time...go look at it now! so precious right!?) Samster Mommy is organizing a tutu drive to collect 100 tutu's to donate to the Princess Alexa Foundation. You are also encouraged to donate capes for the boys, crowns, wands, pretty much anything little boys and girls can play dress up in. If you have kids or have been around them you know they LOVE dressing up

The foundation was started by a mom named Crys in honor of her daughter Alexa. Alexa battled cancer from the ripe age of 2 and lost her battle at 4 years old. Truly heartbreaking.

Go find out more about Alexa and how you can help!

Even Karly has decided she will make a few tutus for these children. Don't know how to make a tutu?? You can buy one to donate (just keep the tags on)! OR follow Samster Mommy, she will be posting a few tutu tutorials, in fact she already has the first tutorial up.  There are a few tiny requirements on these to ensure the health of these kids isn't compromised.  Seriously teeny tiny things like the fact that they can't be used.  Only new and handmade items.

Don't forget to 'like' the Alexa Foundation on Facebook.  This will also help spread the word and help these kids!  Head over to Samster Mommy and grab a blog button...even if you can't participate you can help spread the word!

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