
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wanna Make it Wednesday

Can I just say I love 'Wanna Make It Wednesday'! It makes me feel a little less guilt for the time I spend randomly blog stalking. Maybe I will find something and share and you will run out and make it…SEE me being helpful! That is my justification anyways ;)

So for today….a few things!

This is probably the cutest Christmas tree shaped peppermint bark. Now that I know just how easy it is I think I have to make it! Karly has a bake sale Saturday and this may be on the list! Dollar Store Crafts has the recipe! Cheap crafts…does it get any better than that?!?!

I love this Ornament Wreath! I really want to make one but am fairly certain it won’t be this year. I am running out of time! Go check it out…love the wreath, love Samster Mommy’s blog!

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