
Thursday, December 10, 2009


I can't quite remember how I stumbled upon this story on Monday but it instantly broke my heart. I have been so blessed to have 2 healthy children I cannot even begin to imagine this families world. I knew I wanted to do a little something to help but they were already closed for donations. I emailed anyways and they said OF COURSE! I, like most people am short on time always and try to be careful with what I spend money on (not always so good) but this truly is a good thing to spend on! I donated a few items to be auctioned and will be heading over to find something to bid on!
I hope you will consider doing the same!

Here is the deal:
Looking for a way to provide service this holiday season? Here is a great opportunity. Starting Thursday, December 10th, there will be a charity auction at BLOOM ( to benefit Claire and Benson Skinner.
As explained by their parents, "Benson and Claire were born with a rare genetic disease in which their liver produces too much oxalate--called primary hyperoxaluria. Claire's condition has progressed much faster than Benson's. She has been on dialysis since she was 3 months old and is on dialysis 3 hours a day, 6 days a week. She is now on the waiting list to receive a combined kidney / liver transplant. It is expected Benson will eventually need similar transplants."
You can read more about the Skinners' experience HERE. (
All proceeds from the auction at BLOOM will go directly to Claire's COTA (Children's Organ Transplant Association) account to help pay for her transplant.

Please head over to BLOOM Thursday-Saturday for the auction!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    I am not a Inglishman. And Iam dont read that, but image and video are very cute. Very nicely decorated page.
