
Monday, September 21, 2009

Wings Ballet

Dance is back in full swing. Karly decided to drop cheer this year. Last year was her first year and she wasn’t crazy about it. She is the smallest so of course she was the flier and terrified of being dropped. Every week was a battle to get her there, so on one hand it’s a relief…on the other I worry she will really regret dropping it later.

In moving up a level in ballet Karly now has it twice a week. So every Tuesday and Thursday we have to hope Chris is off or I have to leave work at 3 which I am sure my boss will get sick of. I really wish extracurricular activities made things more doable for working parents. ANYWAYS…I am in the process of hopefully finding some after school care for Karly and that they can drive!

Here is the first dance picture of the year! At this level the older girls mentor the younger ones. Karly’s “big sister” is Maggie, dark haired girl smack dab in the middle of the top row. Karly thinks she is pretty awesome. She seems like a pretty good young lady…she is in high school and planning to be a missionary so much better than a little party animal. Karly says that ballet is much more difficult and strict this year. Her best little pal from last year, Johanna (sitting next to her) was also moved up so at least she has a buddy…they even have the same birthday. Karly asked for a ballet bar to be put up in her new room so I guess she still loves it! Love that she loves to dance!


  1. i love that she loves dance too! what a creative young lady she is :) i also like the idea of the ballet bar in her new room... how fun! cute pic!

  2. she is so cute, and this dance group looks like kar is gonna really be able to advance with them and do well!!
