
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our First Home!

It’s official! We are homeowners! We signed our final papers this morning and got the keys! We are so excited and of course a little nervous! As much as it may appear we jump into things, marriage, babies, home buying, etc… we actually spend a lot of time thinking and talking to be sure we are really prepared to take the leap. I look back over the last 2 years and can’t believe how far we have come. It’s truly crazy but that is another post!

I can’t wait to move and decorate and make this house our home! We have been so lucky to live next door to our Aunt and rent her house…I will say there is some comfort knowing if anything REALLY breaks bad she will fix it. Now, it’s just us! We also don’t have the comfort of having family so near by. Once we knew we would be moving we really didn’t decorate or “nest” so it’s almost felt like we were just camping out. Kind of like when you are young and move every 6 months…or was that just me? Anyways…this we can make our own!! Woo Hoo…now if only everything would move and unpack itself!

Driving down our new road

Home sweet Home!

My loves in the living room

Sawyer in his "for now" pink room...hoping to change that pretty soon.

Karly in her "for now" green room...she has no idea what she REALLY wants to do with it!


  1. so cute! i love that they are each laying on the floor of their new room! how fun!!! sawyer seems ok with the pink?? hmm pink and green instead of brown and green?? haha jk! so excited for you!

  2. ps carpet without stains?? my dream come true ;) oh wait... i shouldn't complain, you currently have zero carpet!! haha

  3. Great for you guys!!! Very happy for you all!

  4. I love owning our own house!! I love being able to say hey! I want to paint this color!! I am so happy for you and your family!!!! :)

  5. CONGRATS! That is awesome. Sawyer is getting so big. It seems like yesterday we were both complaining about being Huge and tired! Wow!
