
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Doctors Appointments

Sawyer and Karly both had doc appts a few weeks back.
Sawyer's was a 2 week check up and our first appointment with a new pediatrician. I loved this doctor which is great because I didn't love the last one! He spent 45 minutes looking over and measuring Sawyer and talking with me. I didn't feel rushed at all and felt he was above and beyond thorough. Sawyer was 8 lbs 11 0z and 21.5 inches long. Doctor said he looks great and will see him again at 2 months.

Karly just had an annual/new patient appointment. She is 4' 3" and 49.75 lbs. She was so close to getting the big weight moved over to the 50 spot. Doctor said she looks good but he would like to see her put a few pounds on... no surprise there. She also gets fairly frequent headaches so he has her journal them to try to figure out what is triggering them.

All in all I have 2 healthy gorgeous babies... what more can one ask for?!?

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