
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our First Week

I can't believe it has already been a week since Sawyer joined our family!

We ended up having to stay in the hospital until Wednesday to be sure my blood volume came back up and my doctor was a little worried about infection. By Wednesday morning we were all so ready to get out of there! Chris thankfully took an extra day off to be home with me. Those first few days were pretty rough on my body so the extra help was great! We had a little time to settle in as a new family of four.

Our first week was amazing and flew by in a sort of blur! I can't believe he is already a week old. He sleeps amazing!!! We are so lucky to have this little man in our lives! Here are a few video clips to share! Karly isn't in most of them because she is usually taking them. Hope you enjoy our little one as much as we do!


  1. hi hi! love the videos, so so cute! also thanks for the shout out :) he is getting so big and i love to hear his little voice! love karly's cute little smiley face amidst the crying baby.. haha! xoxo

  2. Oh My Gosh your Birth story made me teary!! It is truly the most amazing experience any woman could ever have a chance to go through, Pain and all ;) Hope you are doing well. Your Man is too cute. Love all that hair too!

  3. What a beautiful family!! Karly looks so proud!! Hope to see you all when you get up here!!
