
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ballerina Babe

As most of you know Karly has taken ballet since she was around 4 years old. She has always loved it and taken to it well. The last 3 or 4 years she has included quite a few other dance classes as well, but ballet seems to be the one that she takes each and every year. Well, this year is her first year at her dance school here in Texas. We actually shopped a few places before choosing this one which has turned out to be a great fit for her. Last week she got an invitation in the mail to join their Ballet Company, Wings. She is very excited and we are very proud of her. I am not sure exactly what it entails but my guess is more time and money! Here are a few crap quality but priceless video clips of them practicing forgive is through a glass window and the other I am sitting on the floor and can't back up anymore!! Enjoy!


  1. she is so darn cute! and what a good little ballerina! congrats to kar on ballet company!!!

  2. YAY for Kar.. That is such an honor for her I am so prod of her!!!

    PS- love how you turned the camera hoping the video would turn with i... I have done that too :)

  3. That's great that she made it into the new group! :) I'm really so excited for you (and her, of course).

  4. Ha! Nicki! I think its because when I do for pictures it actually does change it! Not to mention I was holding the camera up to the mirror and trying to record from the reflection....not fun :) Either way I was laughing too! Especially when the cord falls in and I have to grab it :)

  5. I like your filming angle! lol it's the thought that counts. She's too cute and very talented!
