
Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend Creations

New projects to benefit daddy!!! I had a lot of crafty time this weekend and as much as I think Chris would have preferred me to clean up my craft space…which now includes my new desk AND the table I was using before :) I have promised that I will condense soon! Either way, I wanted to make a few new items to list in my etsy but a little more for the boys! I decided to make a few things for Chris and Sawyer that could double as an item to list. Here they are! Let me know what you think! Chris loves them. Camo and hunting isn’t my thing, but the mainstream baby colors aren’t exactly masculine enough for my man either!

Hunting Themed Burp Cloths

Camo monogrammed travel wipe case


  1. You have got it going ON! I am loving it all. Good job. Aunt Gay

  2. Oh my gosh! Those are so cute! I can't believe how many projects you get done- and so quickly. You're amazing!!

  3. Okay, so I just looked at your Etsy site for the first time. I don't know why but I missed that you had done that and I'm so amazed! I'm thinking of people to get stuff for cause your stuff is super cute. My fav is still the rock star tutu! LOVE IT!

  4. You are doing SO good! I love the Camo Burp cloths... so so cute. What kind of girl prints do you have for the burp cloths?? I might need some new ones in this house! I will go look at your Etsy :)
