
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Tutu much fun :)

Almost for back to the real world! Karly and I were crafting queens this weekend. First up...a new tutu for Karly! The store bought ones are never fluffy enough or the colors she wants so we set out to make one ourselves! It is perfect! She is a happy girl! Wanted to share a few pics of my little princess in her new rock star tutu! Gotta love her sporting the black all stars with it...this child truly has her own funky little style. I love that she does her own thing, what an amazing little lady!
She is hoping to wear this to school...
guessing I will be getting a call to change her clothes that day!


  1. It makes me wish I were 10 years old so I could wear that. I don't think it would go over so well for a 28 year old. You are so cool for letting her wear that to school! :) And I love the all stars with the tutu, it's definitely a funky/ cool look! :)

  2. I need to hurry up and have kids so I can have a reason to wear a tutu! She looks so excited she's too cute!

  3. She is seriously the cutest darn thing ever!!! I love this kid!! xoxo

  4. That is to die for cute. IF you ever feel like making a few extra... let me know and I will pay ya. So So cute!
