
Friday, February 27, 2009


Here we are at Friday!! Woo Hoo! Like most people I LOVE the weekends! Last weekend I spent an entire day without turning the television on, limited internet, blackberry (BB)...not as good. I am making a conscious effort to spend less time watching mindless shows (which I do love), cruising the internet to check up on all of my sites, and I truly need to step away from my phone. I spend a TON of time hopping on the internet via BB which defeats previous commitment to less internet! Though I must admit I spend the majority of my phone time texting and BB messaging. Do you have a blackberry…do you not love BB messenger?!?! On one hand I love how connected I am with my family and friends…on the other hand I probably miss out on quite a bit of the little things in my every day life with Karly and Chris. I really want to make an effort to be less attached to my technology. With that being said…I am going to try my best to make Saturday or Sunday days to spend working on things that need to be done around the house, spend quality time with Karly and Chris, and doing things that I feel replenish me. I did this last weekend and it was really wonderful!

With that said, this weekend’s plan; Saturday Chris works…my day is fairly full of “to-do’s” already so the no TV should be pretty simple! Stormi and I are shopping for her baby shower stuff and hopefully finalizing the last few things for that, I am hoping to pick up a desk I found on Craigslist to redo. Found THIS great inspiration!!! I also have a few other craft projects that I am hoping to tackle this weekend. Sunday we will all be home so hopefully we can find something to do all together!

Hope your weekend is great!


  1. Sounds like a great weekend. We're going to spend ours eating junk food and watching movies together. I think Sunday I'm going to try something new, we'll see.

  2. I am proud of you, I think that its great to step away from technology, it will be very recharging for you to connect with the little things. I hope you have a great weekend! Just remember, you get given one day at a time, you can't go back and change that day so you HAVE to use it wisely. Spend time with the things that make you feel good, focus your energy on what makes you happy, the rest will fall into place.
