
Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day we headed to Shreveport, Louisiana for the night. Some friends of ours invited Chris was to a concert so decided we could make a little family weekend of it!
I woke up to lovely flowers, chocolates and a card while he was at work. Karly and I got everything ready to go and we hit the road at 3. When we got there we realized why we couldn't find a hotel room anywhere...Mardi Gras. Sure Mardi Gras is in New Orleans but apparently the entire state has mini Mardis Gras celebrations all month..who knew?!?! Anyways...our hotel was ghetto...ok, super ghetto. It was only one night and we survived! The concert was Saturday so we pretty much got there and the boys were off! Me, Stormi and 3 kids in a strange town...I would have killed for a glass of wine! We tried to find anywhere with less than an hour wait for dinner which proved impossible and we hit up Chick-fil-a. I will say they prettied the place up for the holiday...fresh flowers and festive colored tablecloths. Not much more romantic than V-day dinner at Chick-fil-a! After dinner we took the kids as promised to Chuck E. Cheese (remember the need for that glass of's all sinking in now isn't it). I hadn't been there since what I believe was my 7th birthday party! I know crazy! 20 years later and it was pretty much the same! The kids had a good time at least!
Karly at V-day dinner
Karly & Kassie playing air hockey
Ski Ball Princess

1 comment:

  1. 1 glass occaissonaly is OKAY! my doc said so, and lots of others say so too. but its your call sista! funny story... the few times i did have a glass i had an allergic reaction to it will preggo and for about 6 weeks after having ryder. i would get really hot and my face would get red and purple splotches all over it. weird huh? i looked like an alien.
