
Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday Shopping

The next day we got up, had some breakfast and headed to the Louisiana Boardwalk for some shopping! Found some good stuff and enjoyed a day with the family and some beautiful weather! It was so nice out! We each got a few things and Chris bought Sawyer a few outfits that look like something Chris himself would wear! Too adorable! Karly got fake glasses and some other articles that look straight out of a 1990's MC Hammer video! I would have rather died when I was a kid than wear glasses! She is such a funky little kid! Not much else to say, but plenty of pictures...ENJOY!!!!

All worn out!


  1. how fun! great memories for your family!

  2. Sounds Fun, and the pictures are great! Those glasses are pretty cute on her actually ;)

  3. OMG i love the sleeping pic with the spectacles and earrings!! she is too cute! reminds me of kate when she used to wear Don's glasses and read the paper! Aww I miss my little Karbar!!!

  4. PS. wonder where she got such great/funky style?!?... uhhhh ummmm!!!!
