
Monday, February 2, 2009

Rolled Tacos and Waffles?!?!

Sounds delish to me!! No, seriously I ate Eggo’s and taquitos for dinner! What is this baby doing to me?!?! I have always prided myself on my healthy eating habits…not much fast or processed foods, minimal treats, lots of fruits and veggies. What do I crave now?!?! Frozen pizza and cupcakes, pickles and tator tots, corn dogs and mac n cheese the list goes on and on! I swear I am growing a college freshman! The thought of fruits and veggies essentially repulses me! I want something with zero nutrition, preferably in a paper bag from a drive thru window!

With Karly I ate so well and really didn’t crave anything weird…mexican food, which is typical for me pregnant or not. I loved ketchup and strawberry ice cream when I was pregnant with her, neither of which I ever cared for. I haven’t touched strawberry ice cream since having her…yuck! Ketchup…I still LOVE!

Nope, now I am gestating Colonel Sanders himself…or maybe Little Debbie?!?! Ican't believe I am not fat as a house already! Here is a picture from this weekend. Sorry it kind of sucks, hard to take a self portrait. I need to get Kar or Chris to snap a few!

21 weeks...disregard my dirty mirror...Sunday is bathroom cleaning day and unfortunately this was taken Saturday :)


  1. You are so funny! I don't know about egos and taquitos in a few months you'll probably think, what was I thinking?

  2. aside from baby bump, you do look thin!! YAY!!! wish i was there to see it in person though :( crying now cause I miss you....

  3. OMG, to this day Kasey still teases me about what I ate during pregnancy and that was over two years ago!! I say if Sawyer wants it, EAT IT!!!! Its so much fun! LOL
