
Friday, January 30, 2009

I did it!

I did it! I actually sewed! I bought a pattern for a clutch/purse type thing. It isn’t the cutest, but it’s supposed to be for beginners and very simple to understand and follow. I found some super cute burp cloths, (along with a million other things that made it onto my super cute list of things to attempt to make) and figured I should do that first! I mean how hard could it be?!?! It’s a rectangle! After 30 minutes of attempting to cut the sides straight I realized that any future burp cloth making will be done with a rectangle pattern! I suck at cutting straight! It was a good little project to get a feel for my machine and I figured out a few things to do a little differently so they will look better next time! I got all my pattern pieces prepped and cut out for my clutch and all I have to do is put it all together! Maybe tonight! I will post some pictures of the finished project. For now I leave you will my football themed burpie!