
Monday, March 5, 2012

Sharp Crochet Hook Winner!

First, many thanks to Jessica from Sharp Crochet Hook for sponsoring this giveaway!!  

Second, thank you to everyone that entered the Sharp Crochet Hook giveaway!  I am so thrilled so many of you not only loved it and wanted to win one but a lot also posted on fb that you couldn’t wait and bought one!! Thank you for shopping small businesses! 

 Let’s get this party started shall we???? 

 The winner is….. 

geezbees75 said...

I am a fan on db. I would love this as a late birthday gift. Tomorrow is my big day.

 Please email me your mailing info to and I’ll pass it along to Jessica. 

 If you didn’t win I seriously encourage you to go buy one! It’s super handy and pretty inexpensive at just $6.99 for the hook and $10.99 for the hook and extra pattern booklet...totally worth it!    

Click to head over and buy your own Sharp Crochet Hook

Be sure to "like" the Sharp Crochet Hook and Facebook for future info, giveaways, and such!

Follow the Sharp Crochet Hook's blog for fun project ideas

1 comment:

  1. AWwwww... CONGRATS! And a very happy birthday! :)
    Thank you for sharing this Scotti because I am going to get one at some point to help make pretty bibs for new mothers in church. Thanks again for sharing such great products with us! :D
