
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Freezer Cooking Round 4

After a little hiatus I am back in the saddle again.  Did you miss me??  I missed my freezer meals that's for sure!  I have shared my love of freezer cooking along with some recipes and my feedback on them; you can find all previous freezer cooking posts here if you are interested.  

I haven't been doing big days, it's just not my thing.  I prefer to make dinner and just triple it and freeze the 2 extras.  Some meal groups I don't mind making a few meals at once (soups, items with shredded chicken, etc...)  but I don't usually go that it's a little more expensive (up front) than my budget allows these days.

ok, onto what you came here for

First up....

I used a different cut of meat than the recipe called for but it still worked well.  I loved that she recommends cooking it for a few hours and then switching it to warm overnight.  It shreds super easily this way. The flavor was still not quite what I wanted.  I like a spicier, more mexican vibe.  The cloves in this just didn't do it for me.  Being fair, cloves aren't really my favorite.  I debated not putting it in but decided in order to properly share my opinion I should do the recipe as stated.  My husband thought it was good and my in-laws ate it so I guess it must have tasted ok, or they were just being polite!  This meat like all shredded meat I've ever made freezes and reheats well.  We usually eat it for dinner and another meal or 2 then freeze the rest.  When we are ready to eat it again I just pull it out of the fridge that morning and warm it up for dinner.  


These went over well!  The 13 and 2 year old didn't eat them but they don't eat anything.  Husband, myself and 1 year old thought they were delish!  I did switch them up a little.  I did half turkey and half pork sausage.  {I may try straight turkey next time but I do think the pork keeps them from being dry plus it has a little kick to it that I dig}  I also subbed almond flour for the breadcrumbs.  I froze the meatballs on a plate not touching until they were pretty solid.  Then I transferred them to a ziploc and poured in the sauce and other ingredients.  Pull the bag out the night before or the morning you want them to thaw a little and toss them in the crock pot!

and last for today

Craaazy Good Crock Pot Carnitas
{recipe and pic from Kait's Primal Kitchen}

This was delish!  My family has a favorite crock pot pork recipe and this may just replace that.
{The other one has brown sugar and a can of soda so really how can it not taste good.  We are cutting out as many processed foods and sugar as possible so that one is no longer welcome in my crock pot :)  It is on Freezer cooking Round 1 post if you are interested}

It's savory, not too sweet, not spicy...just...well, good!  I made paleo tortillas to go with it and they were not so good so I just ate the meat and some guacamole.  Yum!  Like all of our shredded meats we eat it for a few meals and then I put the rest in bags to freeze.  Pull out and thaw in the fridge and then rewarm when you are ready.  I tossed this one in the oven again (as recipe states) to reheat and it was perfect.

Love all these recipes but want to come back later?  Pin it so you don't forget :)

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