
Thursday, February 2, 2012

February Photo A Day Challenge

I saw this a week or so ago (the January one) and probably should have jumped in then but being the spaz that I am I decided I should start on the first of the month.  Not sure why but here we are.  Then of course I forgot it was the 1st so I had to snap my picture pretty late but never the less I did it.  I am really looking forward to this challenge!  I want to be better at taking pictures daily.  I asked for some Project Life stuff for the next gift giving holiday.  Hoping they are in my grubby hands soon and these daily pics will be a great help and addition!  I probably won't blog the pictures daily but promise to weekly or more often.   

Day 1:  my view today
{sidenote: had a great play date...should have taken a picture there}

nothing quite like brother kisses

If you want to check out more head over to fat mum slim for the full scoop.

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