
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Inner Hooker Circus Winners are up!

Thank you everyone for helping celebrate the release of the circus! 

 My little has RSV so I'm keeping this post short! 

 The winners are..... 

1. Abigail said... I'm now following Ciara on fb as well :) 

 2. Tracy Waller said... I think this photo is art quality. And the sticky candy juice and mud are what make the photo! 

 3. lLooHoo Creations said... This could not have come at a more perfect time! :) I am in need of some great new patterns!

 Thanks again to everyone for your continues support! You are what make IH so awesome and fun! Winners please email me at to claim your prizes!

1 comment:

  1. Praying your little Clown gets well soon! No worries about us we will be here when he gets well! And you are back up to par!
