
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bringing back the Wanna Make it Wednesday!

Bringing back the Wanna Make it Wednesday!

I haven’t been reading blogs much (since Dex has entered my world) but since I have been on vacation and had other people playing with my kids I have had a little more time to pleasure read.  I found a few awesome things that I am going to share with you…so I can find them on my blog to-do list later because I am nice and share well with others.

First up…I am so totally 100% in love with this project!  Not so much the making of it because I’ll be honest…it looks like quite a bit of work and while the tutorial is good a novice like me would feel more comfortable if it were a little more detailed.  O’well, I love it and NEED to make it!  Check out the project yourself at A Happy Wanderer, which is also one of my new favorite blogs for sure!  Love it!

These are also super cute!  I have seen quite a few similar projects but I just had to share again.  I love fabric-covered headbands!  I think they are super cute and would even make a simple and fun gift.   Alisa Burke shares her tutorial.  Check her out she has beautiful photos and a ton of great posts.

And I am totally in love with this knock off Anthropologie purse.  I am totally thinking this may find it’s way to a loved one for Christmas this year.  I wonder if they would love it as much as I do though?!?!  Either way, if you want to make one too check out The Little Apple Seed for the {FREE} pattern!

Sooo...what do you wanna make??


  1. oh that bag is awesome, i typed up my wanna make it list lastnight, and it's forever long not counting the two books i want to work my way through of projects. sigh. and yeah for wanna make it wed!

  2. Clothes for my girls!! I so wanna get back on the sewing machine but it so hard when my only space is the kitchen table and I watch 3 kids plus my 2, it seems the table is never available, or I'm to busy with the kiddos. That's why crocheting is so much better for me right now, and on that note, I just got the bee gushy topper set today. YAY!! My photog loved it and has a newborn boy shoot end of this month first half of next. I will share pictures when I get them!!

  3. Ahhhhhahaha just read what I posted. Guess I can't type, did you know you have gushy toppers??!! :-) lol

  4. thanks for the mention! I'm so glad you like the backpack. if I were a bit more patient, I'd be much better at tutorials... but i just wanna get to the end result! i'd gladly help you along if you get to your to do list!

    love your blog!!!
